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10 SMS Marketing Examples That Are Simple Yet Effective

SMS marketing is the master of customer reach power. It boasts immediate customer response rates and an almost 100% deliverability rate. The best part about SMS marketing is how easy it is to incorporate it into your existing digital marketing frameworks.

While great on its own, SMS marketing works seamlessly with other marketing channels—making it a must-have for the benefits it can add.

Benefits of SMS Marketing for Ecommerce

Customer Loyalty Nurture

You can send your customer special offers and deals through SMS messaging. With the right segmentation practices, your customers will thank you for the relevant content you send them.

If you manage to do that consistently, your customers are well on their way to becoming loyal customers.

Sustainable and Engaging Customer Communication

SMS messages give off a more personal feel. Exclusive sales and special discount codes sound all the more special through SMS.

Your SMS channel can even act as a reliable means of reminding your customers of sales or codes they might have missed.

Quick and Effective Communication

The limited character count of SMS messaging can push you to convey more concise messages. This makes SMS marketing a more straight-to-the-point type of communication

Customers who tend to be busy-bodies who can’t spare too much time on long promotional content would appreciate your shorter and concise messages.


SMS marketing is super marketing budget-friendly. Being an inexpensive marketing channel makes SMS marketing a highly accessible marketing tool to even start-up online businesses.

SMS marketing is also one of the owned channels your online store can incorporate to boost your lifecycle marketing power. Why lifecycle marketing? We’ve observed in the past year that a customer-centric approach to your digital marketing is key to future-proofing your business.


We put together a handy downloadable industry report filled with insights from industry partners and experts from Klaviyo, Gorgias, ROAS Media, Tapcart, Okendo, and more on the aspects you need to zero in so that you can expect to sustainably scale from $1M to $10M plus!


10 Highly Effective SMS Marketing Examples

Celtic Serenity is an Irish folklore-inspired home decor brand that specializes in creating relaxing, unique, and eye-catching decorations for your home.

They provided 10 simple yet effective SMS marketing messages you can draw inspiration from for your SMS marketing efforts. Their SMS samples range from purely text-based messages to more personalized messages with accompanying graphics that cover a wide range of holiday and sales events.


1. Random Acts of Kindness Day

To start off, here’s a purely text-based message. For this holiday special offer, Celtic Serenity sent their customers a special discount code plus a link to their store.

As an added touch to the holiday, they added a postscript encouraging their customers to share the code as part of the theme. Now that’s highly personalized marketing!


2. Valentine’s Day (Text with GFX)

For Valentine’s Day, they went with a text that included custom GFX. This level of personalization amplifies what your text message is all about. This adds to the straight-to-the-point level of communication at first glance.


3. Valentine’s Day (Product Highlight)

This was their product highlight message for Valentine’s Day. They talked about their rose lamp product and included a small tidbit of content about its symbolism in the holiday of love.

This is a great example of content marketing squeezed into your sales campaigns.


4. Valentines Day (Product Highlight with GFX)

Celtic Serenity sent another product highlight message of the same product, but this time with accompanying GFX. The customer GFX should give your customers a clear idea of what exactly they’re buying.


5. Clearance Sale

This is more of a reminder message to Celtic Serenity’s customers about their clearance sale. A short and simple message with an accompanying link should be enough to catch customers’ attention.


6. Clearance Sale (Text with GFX)

You also have the choice to include customer GFX to drive home the point of your message to your customers.


7. New Year Offer

Their New Year sale SMS campaign follows the same simplicity of the prior SMS marketing examples. However, notice the text at the bottom of the message.

While it may seem counter-intuitive, adding a convenient way for your subscribers to unsubscribe promotes healthier SMS lists. The same is true for email list maintenance, as it can boost your overall conversion rates.

The final three SMS examples are now all similar, but they cover three different holiday themes.

Your main takeaway here is that crafting creative personalized messages and GFX is key to creating dynamic and consistently engaging messages for your customers.


8. Winter Season Sale (Text with GFX)


9. Year-end Sale (Text with GFX)


10. Christmas Sale (Closing Sale with GFX)


Use These SMS Marketing Examples as You Inspiration

SMS messages can range from simple and short messages to eye-catching and thematic texts. Creativity and knowledge in your customer base are key to making your SMS campaigns stand out.

Unsure whether you should focus on purely text-based messages or GFX texts? You can always A/B test to see which kind of messages your customers prefer.

SMS is one of the owned channels you can leverage to future-proof your eCommerce brand. Want to learn more about future-proofing your brand?

Download our full industry report now for FREE!



Cadoo — 10 Benefits of SMS Marketing

Twilio — Top 5 Reasons to Use SMS and Text Marketing

Key Takeaways

Lifecycle marketing is responsible for the long-running and sustainable eCommerce success of many 7 to 8-figure brands.

Customer-centricity is key to future-proofing your DTC store.

Customer retention is more cost-efficient and overall presents a more long-term and sustainable growth solution for eCommerce businesses.

Leverage direct marketing channels to establish direct communication with your customers as well as bring forward products and services that they would be interested in.

Omnichannel marketing is very important to help tie all your existing marketing channels together for a seamless and consistent customer experience.

Ready to get started?

Let’s discuss how we can help your eCommerce business thrive! Book a call today to discover the power of lifecycle and retention marketing for long-term growth.
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Ready to get started?

Let’s discuss how we can help your eCommerce business thrive! Book a call today to discover the power of lifecycle and retention marketing for long-term growth.
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