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How a Beauty Brand Reached 50% Email Revenue Share Using Our Data-Driven Growth Strategy

What does it take to generate 50% of your overall eCommerce store revenue with email marketing alone? Many online stores would think about witchcraft and wizardry to pull off such a numerical miracle. However, all we did for our beauty client was apply our tried and tested data-driven strategy.

Firstly, our client approached us with a problem that was crippling their back-end revenue generation. Their existing funnel strategies were generating super-low conversions.

What was causing this problem? After doing some digging, we managed to track down the following issues that were contributing to their overarching problem:

Only Basic Flows were in Place

Their flows weren’t optimized according to available data. Also, the absence of advanced flows meant that they weren’t catering to potential customers who were in varying stages of the customer journey.

Revenue Generation Gap Due to Zero Campaign Strategy

Our client wasn’t sending out any campaigns. They were only relying on the basic flows they had set up. This alone showed a gap in their potential revenue streams.

Lack of Best Segmentation Practices

There were only the basic flows set up and no campaign activity. Our client wasn’t able to utilize the potential growth that can stem from targeting various segments.

So, what did we do to help our client finally break free of low conversions?

We Implemented a Data-Driven Strategy to Drive Brand Growth

A data-driven strategy might sound complicated. Fortunately, it actually just involves the use of existing strategies in a more efficient way. It’s all about using strategies and shaping them based on your data on your target audience.

Here’s a rundown of our growth strategy:

1. Implement and Optimize Advanced Flows

As we mentioned, basic flows aren’t enough to generate business scaling revenue. You’ll need advanced flows to cover key points of the customer journey. Here’s an overview of our process:

a. Ensure All Touchpoints are Covered with Advanced Flows

We implemented advanced flows that tie into the entire customer journey. This helped put our client’s offers in front of a wider audience, regardless of the targets being new customers, existing customers, or actively engaged ones.

b. Align Our Client’s Existing Flows with Our Email Framework for Maximum Optimization

We optimized our client’s existing flows using our tried and tested subject lines and designs, as well as ensuring that their flows were always consistent with each rebranding initiative of the brand.

c. Consistent Fine-Tuning with Intensive and Regular AB Testing

To fully leverage the email flows in place, we looked at the customer data regularly to get a solid idea of customer preferences.

2. Drive Customer Engagement by Leveraging Content for Campaign Creation

The customer-centric approach helped us better optimize our beauty brand client’s marketing strategies. Especially since one of their goals was to build a strong and supportive community. High retention means a strong and healthy customer base. This, in turn, leads to healthy long-term growth for your brand.

So, how did we go about helping them accomplish that goal?

a. Create On-Brand Email Templates

This helped increase their brand reputation, helping make our client a household brand in customers’ inboxes.

b. Regularly Sending Campaigns with a Mix of Social Content

Keep customers engaged and interested by providing them with high-value and relevant content.

c. Leverage Existing Content Our Client Already Has

Aside from user-generated content like videos and social media posts, we also included actual buyer reviews.

d. Conducted regular AB tests

We zeroed in on what worked best for our client. such as testing whether static images worked better than GIFs. Other than their visual media, we also tested their email send times. Specifically, would sending emails at 8 PM have better results compared to 8 AM?

3. Maximize Personalization with List Utilization and Segmentation

We strategically targeted engaged subscribers and slowly increase the sending size over time. Also, we created segments that focused on the level of engagement of subscribers had an impact on improving overall deliverability.

The implementation of our data-driven growth strategy resulted in an email revenue share of 50% for our client. To break that down:

  • Before implementation: 6%; After: 28%—a 367% increase in our client’s revenue from flows
  • Before implementation: 9%; After: 25%—a 178% increase in their open rates
  • Before implementation: 13x; After: 41x—a 215% increase in their ROI after adding more stores

A data-driven growth strategy is important for bringing out the best of your existing strategies. Knowing how to optimize them, which to use and when—it’s all based on your target audience.

This is just a brief overview of what we did for our beauty brand client. Are you interested in studying all the details of our process? We have the full case study available for your to download and view!

However, we do understand that implementing data-driven strategies like these would require a dedicated team. You don’t have the manpower? Our retention experts here at Chronos Agency would be more than happy to take that weight off your shoulders.

Maximize your store’s profit potential by applying our tried and tested retention marketing strategies. Just fill out our short form and schedule a free strategy call with us. We believe that long-term and sustainable brand growth comes from having a strong, healthy, and dedicated customer base.

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Ready to get started?

Let’s discuss how we can help your eCommerce business thrive! Book a call today to discover the power of lifecycle and retention marketing for long-term growth.
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