fbpx Chronos Email Marketing Success Stories | Chronos Agency


Where performance meets results for ecommerce brands

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Revenue Generation from SMS & Email

310% Increase in email revenue

94% Increase in SMS subscribers

42% Total revenue generated from email and SMS marketing


Email Revenue Boost

87% Increase in email revenue

81% Increase in revenue per recipient

84% Increase in campaign revenue


Increase in Email Revenue Share

50% Increase in email revenue percentage

34% Increase in placed order rate

71% Subscriber list growth


email revenue share

273% Increase in automated flow’s conversion rates

44% Conversion rate on email list subscription

87% Increase in overall email revenue


ROI Boost

33% Email Marketing Revenue

10x ROI in 2 Months

60k Email List Increase


Email Revenue Share

28% Email Revenue from Flows

25% Increase in Open Rates

41x ROI


Figure Email Revenue

20% Open Rates

200% Increase in Campaign Revenue

22% In Email Revenue Share


Email Revenue Boost

65% Increase in Total Email Revenue

146% Increase in Automated Email Revenue

97% Increase in Email Campaign Revenue

Ready to get started?

We’ve put together a handy-dandy eCommerce marketing calendar to help you forecast all the sale dates you’ll need to watch out for! It’s chock-full of major and minor holidays, perfect for your eCommerce brand!
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