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Where performance meets results for ecommerce brands

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17% to 48%

Increase of Email Attribution

31% Increased growth in email attribution

48% Average email revenue by the end of 2021

188%Increase in total email revenue for 2021


Increase in Campaign Revenue

41% Email revenue in 2021

75% Increase in conversion

272%Increase in campaign revenue


Increase in Placed Order Rates

25% increase in repeat customers

64% increase in total store revenue since 2020

100% increase in placed order rates


Increase in Open Rates

25% email revenue in 2021

200% increase in open rates for campaigns

333% increase in open rates for flows


Revenue from Email

17% increase in general active subscribers since partnering with Chronos

53% increase in email revenue since 2020

66% increase in repeat customers since working with Chronos


Combined Revenue from Email & SMS

20% Increase in email revenue since 2019

5000% increase in list growth since 2019

2200%increase in campaign revenue since partnering with Chronos


Increase in Total Store Revenue

70% Increase in email-attributed revenue

29% Increase in average email revenue

40%Increase in Placed Order Rates from email automation


of Total Store Revenue

450% Increase in email-attributed revenue

47K SMS subscribers gained

4.27xPop-up list growth


Email Attribution Increase
Simple Painting Brand Email Campaign Case Study

32% Email attributed revenue

60% Cart flow open rate

47xROI on SMS marketing

Ready to get started?

Let’s discuss how we can help your eCommerce business thrive! Book a call today to discover the power of lifecycle and retention marketing for long-term growth.
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