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Evanesce's 16.5X ROI Boost

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Email Marketing Revenue


ROI in 2 Months


Email List Increase

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The eCommerce skincare brand Evanesce was keen on establishing a solid email marketing framework that would bring in sustainable revenue flow and a tribe of loyal customers.

However, building an email marketing framework from scratch proved way more challenging than they previously thought. So, they reached out to Chronos Agency who, not only helped them establish a reliable email marketing strategy, but also innovated on its design to help solidify their foothold in their customer base—boosting their metrics as a result. 


With beauty becoming less vanity exclusive and more of a health-promoting lifestyle, Evanesce New York stepped in to give their target market the beauty and care their skin deserve.



This skincare brand approached us with the aim to implement an email marketing framework that would provide them with consistent revenue and strengthen and sustain their customer base.


The Problem

Evanesce needed a solid email marketing strategy, the only challenge here was they needed to launch one from scratch.


To help us come up with an email marketing strategy that best fit their needs at the time, we zeroed in on their three major pain points:


  1. Building a tribe of loyal customers
  2. Understanding their target market to help accurately address their customers’ needs
  3. Establishing consistent and sustainable email revenue to set their business for long-term growth


The Solutions

We didn’t want to make just another email marketing strategy for Evanesce. Innovation was key here, so we implemented a customer-focused email marketing strategy. This involved delivering relevant and high-value content to their customer base.


We achieved this by conducting regular split-tests, one after the other. Since their framework was going to be built from scratch, we needed to dive into as much research as needed to get the necessary data.


The Strategy

The overall strategy involved conducting split-testing and content optimization. To do this, we first conducted an audit of Evanesce’s customer journey.

This was necessary for us to determine what was causing their customer loss and what key opportunities were available for them to generate value from the traffic they were getting. Here are some of the actions we took included in our strategy:


1. Optimized their Lead Capture Funnel

Their lead capture funnel needed some much needed tweaking so help increase Evanesce’s overall number of conversions.

2. Extended their Automated Flows

This is to focus on delivering valuable content so Evanesce can continue forging deeper relationships with their customers.

Ready to get started?

We’ve put together a handy-dandy eCommerce marketing calendar to help you forecast all the sale dates you’ll need to watch out for! It’s chock-full of major and minor holidays, perfect for your eCommerce brand!
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The Results

Total email revenue

45% of store revenue, initially 27%

Flow email revenue

31% of store revenue,
initially 23%

Campaign email revenue

14% of store revenue,
initially 4%

List growth

221,055 as of december 2022,
initially 100,335


Calming Blanket wanted to increase their 27% email revenue to 35%. Chronos Agency helped them not only reach but surpass their initial goal through the use of—

Advanced segmentation
Strategically planned content
calendars and campaigns
Consistent A/B testing
Mobile-friendly designs
for campaigns

Key Takeaways

Advanced segmentation is a must-have for any business looking to improve their email revenue.

Frequent A/B testing is key to keep your campaigns updated with customers’ ever-changing needs and preferences.

Mobile-friendly design for your campaigns should be a standard to cater to customers viewing your emails via their smartphones and other mobile devices.

Set up a comprehensive segmentation strategy and follow through with profile criteria when sending specific emails.

Lifecycle marketing is a much larger iceberg than you think. It’s more than just slapping together two different strategies and forgetting about it. It requires a dedicated team who’s learned the language of customer data and in turn translating that into a game plan.

Chronos Agency has dedicated 5 years of its existence decoding the customers’ minds of over 400 brands. And now, we want to share what we’ve learned with you so you too can rack up the 20% to 30% revenue boost our past partners have reaped.

Let’s dive into what your customers really want from your brand