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How 9-Figure eCom Brand, The Oodie, Snuggled up to 30% email revenue share

Lifestyle comfort brand The Oodie wanted to expand their email marketing efforts. However, as Chronos Agency was evaluating their email marketing statistics, The Oodie realized they needed a bit more help.

With problems including low abandoned cart conversion rates and low campaign open rates, Chronos Agency stepped up to the challenge to not only fix these issues but also improve The Oodie’s email marketing game overall—using special framework optimization and email revamping techniques.



Increase in automated flow’s conversion rates


Conversion rate on email list subscription


Increase in overall email revenue

On this page


Lifestyle and comfort brand The Oodie was looking into ways to improve their email marketing. With the help of Chronos Agency, they managed to catch some of the underlying issues that they needed to address within their email marketing framework.

With Chronos Agency locked in on those issues, Chronos knew what they needed to do to get The Oodie’s email marketing machine up and running better than before.

The Problem

Before Chronos Agency could get started, The Oodie presented them with their statistics at the time, which weren’t looking so good overall.

Their issues included the following:

  • High abandoned cart open rates, but low conversions
  • Low email campaign open rates
  • Emails were frequently tagged as spam
  • High unsubscribe rates

The Solutions

Based on The Oodie’s issues at the time, Chronos Agency zeroed in and determined the best solutions to help iron out all the wrinkles in The Oodie’s email marketing framework.

Chronos Agency applied these three major solutions:

1. Improve Deliverability

2. Increase Overall Email Revenue

3. Improve Pop-up Conversion Rates

The Strategy

To accomplish these solutions, Chronos Agency needed to apply their best practices, all while following the branding standards of The Oodie.

Here’s a sneak peek at the different strategies Chronos used:

  • Reduced the number of links on the campaigns sent out.
  • Reduced the number of images and made sure that the text to image ratio was 65/35.
  • Design overhaul for both the campaigns and flows via utilizing Chronos’ best practices
    for email design and applying The Oodie’s approved brand guidelines.
  • Continuous flow optimizations and campaign AB testing to get to the maximum allowable
  • Design overhaul for the current pop-up on their websites.
  • Utilized Optimonk after several AB testings with Klaviyo pop-ups and found that Optimonk
    forms worked better with the client.

Ready to get started?

We’ve put together a handy-dandy eCommerce marketing calendar to help you forecast all the sale dates you’ll need to watch out for! It’s chock-full of major and minor holidays, perfect for your eCommerce brand!
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The Results

Total email revenue

45% of store revenue, initially 27%

Flow email revenue

31% of store revenue,
initially 23%

Campaign email revenue

14% of store revenue,
initially 4%

List growth

221,055 as of december 2022,
initially 100,335


The Oodie wanted to increase their 27% email revenue to 35%. Chronos Agency helped them not only reach but surpass their initial goal through the use of—

Advanced segmentation
Strategically planned content
calendars and campaigns
Consistent A/B testing
Mobile-friendly designs
for campaigns

Key Takeaways

Advanced segmentation is a must-have for any business looking to improve their email revenue.

Frequent A/B testing is key to keep your campaigns updated with customers’ ever-changing needs and preferences.

Mobile-friendly design for your campaigns should be a standard to cater to customers viewing your emails via their smartphones and other mobile devices.

Set up a comprehensive segmentation strategy and follow through with profile criteria when sending specific emails.