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6-Step eCommerce Sales Framework to Explode Sales for an Event or Holiday

Joshua Chin 7:52

It’s it’s it works incredibly well. It’s super simple, the only the most tedious part of this, this process is just creating that calendar invite and linking that up to, to your to the CTA. So people might might be wondering, how do you do this with, you know, with the different domains at gmail.com, at yahoo.com, all you got to do is look at your list and how many of your key domains are in Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail have different segments and create different links for those different segments. And just use the exact same email, the only thing that changes would be the link, basically, for the CTA button. So that creates a ton of hype, a ton of attention. And when the day comes, the notification will not be in their inbox, it will be on your mobile phone or on your desktop as a push, you know. And it’s it’s incredible because you literally move away from the noise. And you’re literally living as part of what people will experience on daily basis critical lender. Following that, we so that’s what it could look like as well. This is a little bit tricky to create out recommend creating individual links for the CTA button. Yeah, then we build a priority list. These are we get

Jeremy Weisz 9:11

to that. So we’ll we’ll hit on the priority list. But for the hyper second, I just want to point something out. What’s kind of cool about that it’s less commitment. You know, if you’re asking someone for a sale, there’s a lot more steps involved that to put in going make a decision look around putting their credit card, so less commitment of like, hey, add in my wishlist, right? How much commitment is that it’s a one click add in a calendar, one click right. So I love that it’s just less commitment for people. So you’re going to get more opt ins.

Joshua Chin 9:41

So anyways, small micro commitments, that’s the key to kind of generating that attention and it builds up right so those are not single emails. those are those are just examples of what pre kind of the hype building phase could look like. So we do multiple emails for that phase as well. And then we start building a prior priority list. we incentivize people to opt in. We also second segment that list based on customer behaviors, previous, how basically revenue that’s generated with with those customers, how engaged they are with your brand, through your emails, and through your website. How often have they visited? How long have you linger on your site, these are kind of it differs from brand to brand, but identifying who your top five to 10% are, in terms of customers and subscribers. That allows you to kind of build a list of highly, highly excited people. So this is an example of what that could look like. People have made tree x of our Lv, which is a, assuming it’s 5050 bucks, the AO v would be basically 50 bucks. And we kind of times tree on that number, to give us a kind of a threshold of what a VIP would be to finance it. So

Jeremy Weisz 11:10

let’s say average order volume is $50. We want clients who spent $150, or more something like that, and those are exactly the the VIP customers.

Joshua Chin 11:21

Precisely. Yep. exactly that. And then following that, we essentially launch the event exclusively to that group of people first. Without kind of so it’s actually a real, it’s a real scar, see, discards the type of thing, especially when the product is limited when we know that stocks are going to, like actually run out and not not as a as a false,

Jeremy Weisz 11:51

false scarcity thing. Yeah,

Joshua Chin 11:53

yeah, exactly. So that works really, really well. Because you get people who are really, really excited, and they’re gonna take action as soon as you send on email. So that’s what we do. And often you’ll see most of the sale coming in, at this stage. And that’s, that’s totally normal. And that’s not always the case from for every brand. But for brands with a very strong customer base of loyal customers. That’s what we would typically see. And then we launch, the main basically, the main email goes out to the entire list plus the priority list of VIPs. So what this does, is, it creates a sense of exclusivity for those in the VIP list. And if you have kind of offered a separate a different offer or a high offer for the VIPs, they will feel a little bit more incentivized to make that purchase because they see that there is a difference between what other people are getting and what they are getting as VIPs. And it kind of further pushes that, that that list of people to, to make to take that action. Following that, I’m just going to jump a few slides in here. But we really look into kind of the additional reminders. So this is where most most brands would fall short, is they kind of launch a single email that looks like this, like Black Friday starts now. And that’s it, they forget about the reminders. And in most cases, that’s where a lot of the money comes in. So what we’ve seen is with, with the reminders, it doesn’t have to be too complicated. This is this is an example of what we might do, we will take screenshots, and obviously this is slightly modified, but screenshots of basically user generated content of people using the product, people reviewing the product. And that looks a little bit more organic and raw. And it conveys that sense of authenticity and trust that may just fill in a couple of gaps and overcome some objections that people could have in making that purchase. So we we basically use content like this as reminders for the sale that is happening. And then we will close the sale. And this is you know, just just a simple reminder of what’s when the actual deadline is and this has to be real, right. I know some brands do an extension, you know if there is there is an actual demand for for the sale if they’re actually getting a ton of kind of emails, emails in at the last day. I know this happens a lot with a lot of brands. I just missed the mark. You know, I I really wanted to make the purchase but I didn’t have my cart ready. I wasn’t at home yet. So what we do for brands like that is we have a surprise sale sales extension. For those that have either The requested for it or people who have bought from you frequently and you know that they are VIPs. But they have not made a purchase in that in that sales period. And just making sure that you’re, you’re covering all all gaps and making sure that you’re just creating as many opportunities as possible to a lot of conversion to happen. Following this is a simple thank you email, just just thank you email, nothing, nothing to sell, just fully text based, saying, thank you so much for being part of, you know, black, this this year’s event. We, we, it was super successful, we’re super happy. A big thank you for this. And we’re grateful for your support. And we’ll see you next year. And that’s that’s pretty much what it says. And this ties in very nicely into what’s happening following this event, which would be in our case, Christmas. So there is no gap in between the relationship, because it could be a little bit weird to go from, hey, buy from us buy from us. And then silence and then buy from us buy from us again. So this adds a kind of a nice segue into what’s next as a personal touch to the to the relation relationship as well. And we find that this works extremely well. And that’s the end of the entire process.

Jeremy Weisz 16:24

Yeah, so that’s thanks for sharing that six step framework getting more sales, especially during an event or holiday. One thing I want to point out, Josh, is obviously, I want to point people towards other episodes of the podcast and go to Chronos.Agency to check out more and email them. But one thing I love about this is this 80-20 approach, or 90-10 approach of all emails, and all customers are not created equal. And that’s a huge takeaway for me, I think everyone can right now whoever’s listening, whatever type type of company or business you have, look at your top clients and or customers and, you know, actually give some love to them. Give them some, you know, what did you say? As far as kind of exclusivity? You know, exactly,

Joshua Chin 17:17

yeah. It’s and it’s, it’s key. I mean, yeah, exactly. 8020 rule 20% of your customers are going to be generating 80% of your your email revenue. That’s, that’s always the case that we see. And, you know, as long as your automations are covering for everyone, what you should be doing with, with campaigns, as far as what we’ve realized is focus on your top top customers, because they’re the ones that are going to be making you the most money, the most revenue and they’re going to be the happiest as well buying from you. So this framework creates a really simple kind of process to to tackle that exact segment of people.

Jeremy Weisz 18:01

If you are watching, if you’re listening to this, there is a video component, so check it out and check out more episodes and Chronos.Agency. Thanks, Josh.

Joshua Chin 18:11

Thanks, Jeremy.

Outro 18:16

Thanks for listening to the eCommerce Profits Podcast. We’ll see you again next time and be sure to click subscribe to get notified of future episodes.

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