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How to Transition Your Brand Onto Amazon Profitably With Sharon Even, Founder of FBA Alphas

Joshua Chin 6:53

That’s incredible. Your parents seem to be quite quite a bit of an influence in your life. And we talked a little bit about this, but you now have a kid and 4 years old. What are you kind of taking from your experience, personally? And how do you? How do you see your role in shaping a child’s journey? Maybe as entrepreneur maybe in any path that? You know?

Sharon Even 7:26

It’s a tough question, I’ll tell you why I hated my dad, as a child. I today love them very much. And I’m very thankful. But while everyone else was like, playing, I was, you know, reading the encyclopedia. And I was being like, I had to learn two new words from the dictionary every day. I had like, I had a very strict upbringing, because my dad hated the school system. And he wanted me to learn everything that the schools not going to teach me. So he would, you know, as a kid, as like a 10 1112 year old, you don’t understand that he’s trying to, like, do the best thing for you. And for me, specifically, if you look at the history of my life, like thank God, he did that because I left home at such a young age. And I already had the tools that people at age 50 today, some don’t have, yeah, store. It’s a tough one. Because on the one hand, I lived, like every day hating my dad until I was probably about I don’t know, 1718. Um, but on the other hand, I’m so thankful, I think today, I’m not going to be as tough as my dad was with my son. But the world’s you know, kids today have very spoiled little shits. And there’s so much distractions and things and that, I don’t know how I’m going to do it. But I hope I find a way to still give him the same foundation that my dad implanted in me, but making it probably a little bit more fun, you know, is a rich dad poor dad kids version today I read ages ago. I think that that is something that I will do. But I’m differently. And I definitely want to find a way to make sure because the thing is a school system hasn’t changed. And the world The world has changed dramatically, right? Like you don’t we’ve got calculators at the tip of our fingers. We’ve got like, you can make money in so many different ways today. It’s not the way that it used to be that you know, if you didn’t go to home, like I didn’t go to college, I made more money than many people that went to college. And there’s nothing wrong with going to college. And I’m not saying that and I myself way. I’m just saying that’s not the only way right there. I’m definitely going to teach him Everything that my dad taught me, and I’ve learned from my experiences just not gonna force it on him, I hope.

Joshua Chin 10:09

It sounds like it’s a it’s about options. It’s just about having a little bit more options and knowledge about what’s available out there. Even as a kid, I think that’s hard, because you don’t, I guess we don’t necessarily know what’s good and what’s bad. But um, it’s that journey of, I guess, I’m exploring what’s available for you, versus just taking, taking things for what they are and just saying, oh, everybody goes to college. And I should, too.

Sharon Even 10:38

I think it’s also about when you come from a household that does have money, right, it can be very easy for parents to hand out anything. And even though I didn’t grow up in a super rich family, and I didn’t grow up in a poor family, we were middle class, and I had everything that I wanted or needed, but I had to work for every single thing I had, and it would be taken away from me. If I didn’t do this, if I didn’t do that, what I said to you, I do what you learn two new words from the dictionary every day, my dad would test me every Saturday, and would check what the and the reason there was logic behind everything my dad does, did because we I was spoken to in Hebrew at home, but I was speaking English. And my dad said, if I don’t make sure that my vocabulary is 100%, I’m going to get to a place where I’m not going to have 100% Hebrew, and I’m not going to have 100% English. And the truth is, he was right. My Hebrew is a very good level, but I don’t read right, like a normal person. And my English is very good. But my brain now thinks in Hebrew, so it takes me a minute sometimes. So there was a reason why he did that. But my point is, I worked for everything that I got, as a child, I didn’t just get handed stuff. And in today’s world, children are so spoiled. So I already from now, like, I’ve already been doing this, I pretty sure like for at least the last year, you know, you do this, you’ll get that, right, I’m teaching him basic stuff, you finish eating, you take your plate, you put it in the kitchen, I’m not going to clean it up after you, you know, like little things like that Not to be lazy and not to expect other people to do things for you and to teach independence from a very young age, I think is very important. It’s it shaped who I am. Sorry.

Joshua Chin 12:29

That’s incredible. And now, you’re talking about options. We we had a little bit of a conversation around your business, and Amazon. First, what are you expecting from Amazon? In BFCM? This year, anything differently you’re expecting out of what’s happening in the world today?

Sharon Even 12:53

Um, look, there’s a lot of legal things going on around Amazon right now, which I’m not 100% knowledgeable on to, like, give proper indication of how it’s going to be. But I, I’ve always looked at Amazon the same way that I still look at it today, which is it’s a great starting point for many people to get their foot in the door. But if your business is 100%, Amazon, you’re you’re putting your business like in the hands of a jungle that you don’t control. Right? Amazon is different in a way of when you have your own Shopify store or you’re building your brand outside of Amazon. It’s different you control that, you know, no one can you like Facebook ads, can Facebook can take you down or stop you from doing Facebook ads, but you have all these other options. When you sell on Amazon. You’ve already got buyers that are ready to buy because they’re not randomly on Facebook. They’re not randomly on Google, they’ve typed in a keyword, they’re ready to buy their help buyers. They’re already ready to buy but they’re Amazon’s buyers, they’re not your buyers. They’re not loyal to you. They are loyal to Amazon. If you go out of stock tomorrow, unless you’re building a brand if you go out of stock tomorrow, they don’t care they’ll buy from your competitor. And the thing about building a brand which is also outside of Amazon and you’re actually you know a brand is is about the customers it’s about the feeling of the customers there’s so much that goes into it. Where else when you’re just an Amazon seller and I’m not saying it’s bad to be just an Amazon seller, there’s many many many like nine figure sellers people that are making a lot of money being just Amazon sellers. The only thing is that we have to look at what’s happened in the last year Amazon without notice change the way that we can bring inventory in when you’re doing FBA. Right? They without notice made these changes without notice they can do whatever they want. And I think that anyone who hasn’t they’re not prepared correctly. likely will lose their business. Right? There’s many, many different things that we need to take into account, you know, containers today are costing about times five times six, what they cost a year ago, a container that used to cost three to $4,000. Today is costing between 15 to $18,000. Right, that’s bringing your costs up. So I think that, in general, what I envision that’s going to happen with Amazon sellers, and Amazon, specifically, is the people that are selling really, really cheap products may not be able to continue doing that, because shipping is so expensive, and I don’t see it going anywhere in the next. I don’t know, a year at least, because we’re just before q4, and then after q4, we’ve got Chinese New Year. So that’s always times like, I’ve got people that are already making orders for 2022. You know why? Because so there’s a lot, a lot of things going on, I think that it’s a great time to diversify yourself if all you do is sell on Amazon, and to make sure that you’re in many, many different places, not just on Amazon. So you have your own, you know, Shopify store doesn’t have to be Shopify, your own e commerce store. And, you know, working with influences building up social media, this is not the typical stuff that Amazon sellers usually do, because that’s what they usually are. So I think the demand has gone up. Like I don’t know the percentage, but it’s gone up like crazy. A lot more people, you know, my granddad buys on Amazon now, you know, he’s like in his 80s. So I think that there’s a lot more demand, but there’s a lot more restrictions. And there’s also, Amazon’s pushing towards brand building. So they’re giving a lot more options to people that are and I think that that’s what they really want. They don’t want the cheap shirt being sold online on their store anymore. Yeah, I have a tendency to go on and on and stop me at any stage. Yeah,

Joshua Chin 16:57

no, that’s good. That’s a really good insights, because I didn’t know all of this. Um, so you’re saying that brand building is now incentivized on Amazon? How exactly does it play out with? Um, is that a shift in policies? What’s Amazon doing? Exactly.

Sharon Even 17:14

So Amazon has this thing, which is called Brand Registry. Okay, so you the minute that you have a trademark, you are able to get into Brand Registry, you don’t have to have an approved trademark, you just have to have a trademark serial number, which you get, like within something like seven days from filing for a trademark. Once you have brand, once you have Brand Registry, you then get all sorts of things that anyone that doesn’t have Brand Registry doesn’t. So you have the option of having a video on your on your listing, you have an option of having a plus content, which is what you have below the fold, you’ve got all these beautiful images, instead of text posts, you’ve got a plus content, and then you have the option of having brand ads. So apart from just having ads in very specific placements, you have even more options, you have options, for example, video ads, you don’t have that option, if you’re not brand registered, you have the ability to actually have an Amazon store. So an Amazon store, it’s kind of looks like a like a landing page specifically for your Amazon store, it doesn’t show your competitors on it, you have the ability to do Amazon post, which is basically sort of like free placement on your competitors. listings, which is like probably one of the only things you get for free, you have what is called, um, root vine reviewers. So you can give away 30 units of your products to Amazon vine reviewers, even before you launch to help you to kick start to get reviews. And it’s and it’s legit, like you know, there’s people that buy fake reviews, nor This is legit Amazon vine reviews. And that’s just like a tiny bit of it. They also help you to protect your brand, so your trademark so that you don’t have people trying to hijack you, there’s just so many different things. And they keep adding they’ve just added recently, like two days ago that you now have the option to contact a buyer who has left a bad review, you’ve never had anything like that in the past, but only if you’re brand registered, right? So it’s they really And not only that, they’re not allowing you anymore to give your product a brand name so where it says brand, if you don’t want it to stay generic and you want it to say you’re brand new, they’re not allowing you to do that anymore without proving to them that your product actually has its brand name on it you now have to show them send an image of your product on a table or in your head so that’s copy a 3d you know 3d model or orange, showing your logo on it. So, you know, that’s a lot of things that they’re doing. They kicked out, I think it was something like 200,000 Chinese sellers that were bad actor sellers. And there’s this thing specifically of a lot of blackhat stuff comes out of specifically like either Chinese sellers or Russian sellers that do a lot of blackhat things. So they’re they’re trying to get rid of blackhat and to bring in actual brands. Right. And there’s probably more things that I left out, but I think that’s quite a few now.

Joshua Chin 20:39

That’s a good that’s a good good play. good introduction. I’m thinking ton of notes down. But for someone who’s already selling on on Shopify was already has a direct to consumer brand who might be interested in diversifying into a new channel. like Amazon, what’s your best advice for them? What are the first couple of steps that someone can take?

Sharon Even 21:03

I’m going through clients right now from Australia, who basically have invented a product, they’ve already had a million in sales while they’re on like 1.2 million in sales outside of Amazon. So they’re literally just having they’re working with a very specific influencer on Instagram. And who has half a million followers, they made a product, this is genius. They made a product for his way of working out. So he has his own specific program that they were taking, and he didn’t have equipment that suited them. So they made a product. And then this guy who like has big NBA players following Him, they sent it to him. He loves it. He uses it in every single like video that he makes. He’s got half a million followers. My clients have got like NBA players buying the products. What’s his name? Joe Rogan is spoken about there. Is that his name?

Joshua Chin 22:01

Joe Rogan, the podcaster.

Sharon Even 22:02

Yes. Forget about their product on his on a recent podcast of his Yeah, anyway, they’re like, and they’re they’re undecided their business in November. Like we’re right now, just last year, they only actually started selling to the world this January. So they were first just selling it in Australia. Wow, like something crazy anyway. And when they came to me, they wanted me to help them to get onto Amazon, because a lot of their clients were asking them, Do you also exist on Amazon? Yes, sir. And the first thing I did was I went in, and I use what is called brand analytics, which is another thing that you get when you’re a brand on Amazon, where Amazon shows you what the most popular keywords are on Amazon, they don’t show you how many people are searching for it. But they give each keyword or ranking on how popular it was. And I could see that the people actually searching for their brand name. Oh, right. Okay. And when you type in their brand name, you’re seeing a whole bunch of competitors that sell not like copycats of their product, but products that aren’t there, basically, but similar. And I was like, and I was like, Look, if you’ve got people actually searching for your product, like it makes them 100% sense that you exist here. The thing is they they sell a big wooden product. So Amazon takes they I would just to try and make it easier for people I would say like around 30%. So they take usually 15% referral fee, whatever you sell the product for 50 new set. And then they have the fulfillment fee, the FBA fee, which depends on certain tiers how big your product is how much it weighs. their product is like this big piece of wood. So yep, I also needed to make to make sure that it was still going to be profitable for them to do when you sell on Amazon, you have either FBA fulfilled by Amazon or you have fulfilled by merchant, well, you can fulfill it yourself, you can have a third party logistics company like deliver, and they hook up to your Amazon store and they can send it out for you. I had to make sure that it was still going to be worth it. So the first thing I did was I calculated the fees and if it’s going to make sense for them or whether it makes sense for them just to say no biophar website because they make more money then Yep. And we realized that they’re still going to be able to make a really good margin. However, we put up their prices. So outside of Amazon there were selling at the time for $130. And I asked them to put their pricing up to $150. Why? Because I knew that people would still buy their product at 150. We just gave it at 150 with free shipping. And then on Amazon we were also at 150 at a higher price point so that they can still make that Really good profit that they make. Right. Um, so if you are wanting to transition into Amazon, I think that it’s, it’s, it’s logical for any brand to also be on Amazon, whether it’s just, you know, an extra couple of 1000 a month, it’s still it’s still worth it my opinion and it’s giving people that option because Amazon has that authority where people trust Amazon, right? They may not press. Yeah, there’s a trust factor there, especially specifically with American. Um, you know, like in Australia, no one cares about Amazon. Not Not really, right. And their Australian mate like they started in Australia, admitted that they moved, which is where they made so much money to America, Canada excetera, like people started asking about Amazon. So I think that some things you want to do get a really good software that can also show you the keywords, if people are even looking for your brand name. Or if if people are looking for keywords related to your product, because Amazon’s about keywords and knowing where to position your product, your brand could be on Amazon, but if no one’s looking for it, there’s no you know, there’s no point. And, and then you also want to make sure that you’re doing the calculation. So you gotta remember that you’ve got this one more cost to factor in. But it may also, you know, increase your sales by 50% a year. So it’s worth it, you know. And that’s really like some quick tips, I could probably, that’s the top of my head.

Joshua Chin 26:33

So surf keyword research that look at your economics margins, make sure that the upside is significant enough that especially when you’re paying for what 30% of your revenue to Amazon,

Sharon Even 26:47

it’s not there, it’s 30. So it’s 15% referral fee in more categories, not all but more categories. And then there’s the it goes by tiers, depending on how big or small your product is. So you may have like a $400 product that may be the small, you’re not going to pay 30% pay a lot this because that is something that’s small, probably going to cost your other like five or six $7 max FBA fee, depending on how much it weighs. So what I mean is you have to understand the tears in advance all this informations on on Google, just google it Amazon FBA tears, but you have to calculate that. And that’s why when I made those calculations, I realized that it’s going to take quite a big chunk of their, of their their profits. So that’s why I said, Look, let’s we looked at, we looked at where they’re positioning themselves where they are in the middle of filing for patents for this product, no one can make exactly what they make. You’ve got this huge endpoints are selling this product, I mean, not selling, promoting it for free, by the way, right for free. For free, okay, not agree to take any money for it, which is like insane. And, and, and, you know, it made sense to me. And I said, Look, if it’s if sales get affected, then we’ll look into it. Sales just kept increasing. So that’s why I was like, let’s see if we can put our prices up a little bit. And, and then it made sense. And they did $40,000 in sales in their first month on Amazon. And this is like, Joshua, this is what the really should be listing This is before we’ve improved their images. This is legitimately from like no PPC, no advertising, it’s people going in and looking at your branding $40,000 in sales, not in profits, but in sales with zero marketing. From day one, I even have a screenshot somewhere I took where she was showing me like how much money they did before they went out of stock, and they can’t keep the product in stock. So imagine if they weren’t on Amazon.

Joshua Chin 29:07

So they were basically leaving, like 40 grand minimum on a table before they sold out. So that’s because,

Sharon Even 29:15

yeah, because the thing is people are typing in their brand name. And if you’re not there, it means that the cell could go to a competitor. Make some note I mean, yes, sir. If you see your brand name being searched on Amazon, like you bet you that your competitors are getting their sales instead of I can tell you myself as someone who started their their current brands on Amazon, I know very specific brands that aren’t on Amazon that are hardcore, like promoting on Instagram, etc. And people are searching for the brand names on Amazon. I target their brand names and PPC all the time I get sales from the brand name all the time. And I said to my husband, I wonder how long it’s going to take for them to understand that they’re leaving money on the table by not being on Amazon, you know? Yes, sir. I think it’s a no brainer for us. And not for all, you know, if you sell like a random garlic press, probably no one cares.

Joshua Chin 30:06

Yeah. Yeah. So say a brand is now on Amazon. If make the leap, and you spoke to hundreds of entrepreneurs, what are some of the common mistakes that you see for new sellers on Amazon?

Sharon Even 30:22

Wow, that they’re they’re selling on their static on Amazon or they already sell outside of Amazon?

Joshua Chin 30:28

They? Um, well, yeah, both. Let’s say they already sell outside of Amazon. They just came onto Amazon, your brand new sellers. What are the what are the mistakes that make you go? Oh, my goodness.

Sharon Even 30:43

There’s many that come to my head. But before I even answer that people need to understand that Amazon is its orne jungle, right? It’s your compete, there’s only so many page one for each keyword. Right? So the way that it works on Amazon, someone types in a keyword, right? Let’s just say if I sell an anti aging cream, okay, someone’s typed in anti aging cream, right? 90, I think it’s something like 90 something percent of the sales happen on page one of a search term, there’s only so many placements on a page one, so it’s definitely become pay to play. That’s one and two. Somebody could have written anti aging cream, but they may have also written at age and cream for 50 year old, sensitive skin, anti aging cream, there’s many different, you know, long tail and mid tail keywords that could come out of that. You need to understand when you bring a product onto Amazon, that you could have the best product in the world, but you have to find keywords to be able to actually find your product. And you need to be able to be on page one in most scenarios. Right. So the biggest thing I would say is that you if you’re transitioning into bringing your brand on to Amazon, is also understand why are you doing that? Are you doing it because you just want to have an Amazon icon on your Shopify store giving people an option to also buy on Amazon. So you don’t lose the sale if they prefer to buy on something like that. Or are you now trying to then compete on keywords on Amazon. And if you are, then you have to understand Amazon’s jungle, which is how this keywords work reviews, everything like competition, you may not even be used to being sabotaged, I was telling you earlier that last year on Prime Day, you know, someone tried to sabotage our brand. When you sell on Amazon, you don’t own your listing. It’s not yours. It’s Amazon’s listing that you have created. But it is Amazon owns that page that listing, it can do whatever it wants with it. And there can be more than one seller unless you’re brand gated. So for example, I could be selling an anti aging cream, and somebody could have bought my products for I don’t know in bulk and then sold it in their cosmetic store for a cheap price for some reason. And then someone decides that they want to then sell that on Amazon can anti aging creams, not a good example because it has to be new, but you get my point, okay. And then they could sell it under my listing, right, which we call many times a hijacker. Sometimes somebody could sell a counterfeit product under my listing, and then I have to go and try and kick them off and prove that it’s counterfeit. So anyway, last year, some somebody somehow uploaded they You can also make changes to other people’s listing, somebody uploaded a whole bunch of drug related keywords to our listing in Canada, which then took down a listing worldwide for four different products, right one of them being a best selling product that makes a lot of money. And it happened to all on a very like early morning Prime Day, right now to fix something like this. It’s either it’s going to take 10 minutes, you upload what is called a flat file and it’s fixed. Or you’re dealing with bots, meaning somebody has bots that keeps uploading a file with bad keywords. And then it’s a totally different thing now, thank God, I’m connected to many people in the industry. It still took me three weeks to sort it out three weeks, not one day. They didn’t take me down for a day. They took us down for three weeks. Now on Prime Day, I was running some campaigns with influencers. So I was sending a whole bunch of micro influencers. They were sending traffic to what we call a dog page on Amazon. You know, have you ever seen a dog page? Sorry? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And now because I also sell my brands outside of Amazon, I was very quickly able to then redirect them and tell them, hey, send them to a store instead. And it was like, you know, I’m not gonna say that it was fixed, because it’s Prime Day people want to buy, you know, on Amazon. But, you know, so you have to understand that when you’re on Amazon, you’re now competing against people, you become other people’s competition in a totally different way from when you’re on Shopify, and you have to find your own traffic. You know, I don’t know, like how dramatic it is outside of Amazon, but it can’t be as dramatic as it is on Amazon. So are you really? Yeah, you really need to take that also into consideration, you need to take into consideration how you’re going to get into page one, you have to understand that, you know, you’re dealing with Amazon customers, which are can be ruthless when it comes to reviews. It could be that, you know, their product was two days late, and they decided to leave a bad review on your product, which, you know, I think that on the one hand, there is like, what 360 million, I think buyers know, 150 million prime buyers in Amazon us. And I think like something like 300 and something million that have an Amazon account in the US specifically. So on the one hand, you have hot buyers coming into Amazon ready to buy, right? On the other hand, it’s ruthless, and you need to understand your niche. Not every single niche is ruthless, right? Some are, if you’ve got really Nishi products, it may be you may be fine. But if you’re like a supplement, you know, in some supplements, pay at PPC paid pay per click, like a cost could be $12 per keyword. Yeah, sorry, $12 per click not $12 per keyword $12 per click, right. Like it could be like vitamin vitamin B on its arm could be like $7 per click, and you could be selling a $12. You know, product,

Joshua Chin 37:04

you’re just losing money yeah.

Sharon Even 37:07

So you have to take this kind of all these things into consideration, understand how Amazon works? Are you going to be using outside traffic to send it in? And if you are doesn’t make sense to send them to an Amazon page? Why don’t send them to your page? And then that you are those customers? The way I look at it is if you’re selling on Amazon, it’s because you want to capture Amazon buyers. That’s how I look at it. Right? And yeah, there’s probably more stuff that I could come up with. But if you’re a brand new seller, someone who’s never really sold a product online, I think that the biggest mistake I see is people getting into really like terrible metering products. We’re in a world today of so much saturation, where like, I think that brand building and differentiation is like crucial. It’s that key. Yeah, crucial. It’s not the way it like we’re not in late 2016 when I started

Joshua Chin 38:02

99 the golden era golden age of of FBA anymore. Now it is starting to sound like I’m beginning to see a bigger picture of what Amazon is like. And this really explains what the whole FBA industry is really, like it’s dynamic, it’s fast moving, and it’s it’s not something you can kind of set it up one time and forget about it and the money rolling, which is honestly, partly what I expected. Because it’s I mean, it’s just a listing. Well, what else could you be doing of it, but it sounds like it’s a lot of work. So I suppose for for a brand owner outside of Amazon, you got to think about the resources, they can be allocating the time they can be allocating to building a channel like that as well on top of the fees, the cost, but also the time and that attention that goes away from building your brand on say Shopify or somewhere else,

Sharon Even 39:02

I think, overstate all aspects of our businesses take time but it is look if you’re a big brand outside of Amazon, you probably have V A’s in place. Right? There are specific like agencies there’s one agency called VA Philippines for example. Maybe it’s VAA Philippines, and they train Filipino VA’s for Amazon specifically. So they put them through an Amazon course of theirs. Right I just know about them because they reached out to me they wanted me to like give them one of my courses to help the VA’s learn and and I also know the owner, but there’s the apart from that there’s other their specific like Amazon tight VA is now you got to be really really careful because they can also like kill your brand. So you need to understand I believe every brand owner that seller on Amazon needs to understand the basics of Amazon first, before they outsource so that no one can play you. Because we’re in a world of scammers day today. So I think that yeah, I mean, today, I only spend a maximum of like two hours a day on my Amazon related brands and the rest of my days non related to Amazon. Like we’re talking five, almost five years later, in my first two years, I was probably like, on my computer all day, and night, because I wanted to keep scaling. So one of the biggest ways that I scaled was by bringing in more products, right, and leveraging the money that we had meaning. I never used to purchase like a year’s worth of stock in advance, I always did really, really good inventory calculations, where I knew what my lead time was how much I sell during my lead time, what is the number that you know, we can order and then always had enough money within bring in more products. So we bought in a lot of products in our first two years, so I had a lot of hard work. But at some stage, it does. It’s not like everyone makes it to be, but it is a lot easier. Once you’ve you’ve established yourself, you don’t have to put as much time into it. But you still need to be on top of your inventory, which itself works for PPC, which you can hire like most of it, you can hire. Yes, it does involve a lot of hard work in the beginning. But like those customers I was telling you about the Australians, they don’t really understand Amazon, and I’ve been helping them with non Amazon related stuff we’ve been working with, like making sure they their patents in place, and a Chinese trademark and all sorts of IP stuff that I’ve been helping them with. They’re literally I just helped them make the listing, they sent the stock in. And that’s all they did. And they they made 40k in like three weeks. So you know what I mean? It depends on where your brand is at. If people are already searching for your brand name, it really could just be like putting up a listing and forgetting about it. Right? And but not forgetting about it, but taking care of reviews and things like that. Or it could be that no one cares about your brand. No one knows about your brand. And now you have to hardcore learn how Amazon works. It depends. It’s so dependent on your situation, in my opinion.

Joshua Chin 42:32

It makes sense. Sharon it’s it sounds like it’s it’s a rabbit hole, a deep, deep rabbit hole that people can go into. And I know that your YouTube channel is really good resource people tend to Super in depth content on your YouTube channel. So guys, go check out Sharon Even. That’s Sharon Even on YouTube. And also listen to Seller Sessions that SellerSessions.com. Seller SellerSessions.com. I will also be a guest on your show in a couple of weeks time. So definitely looking forward to that conversation as well. Sharon if people are interested connected view and maybe take this conversation on a one on one basis. If you’re available to take on clients still where should they go to?

Sharon Even 43:23

They can either check on my website Sharon Even like you said even.com. Or they can find me on Facebook Sharon Even. And I also have a Facebook group called Amazon FBA Alphas like an Alpha Dog. Yep. alphas and and yeah, and my sort of Seller Sessions isn’t my podcast. I’m a co host, and my gigs are on every Thursday. I bring on you know, kick-ass people that are the real deal. nitty gritty stuff there. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You want as well.

Joshua Chin 43:57

Awesome. Sharon, thank you so much for being on the show. This has been amazing.

Sharon Even 44:01

Thanks, Joshua. Thanks for having me.

Outro 44:06

Thanks for listening to the eCommerce profits podcast. We’ll see you again next time and be sure to click subscribe to get notified of future episodes.

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