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Leveraging Crowdfunding to Launch a Successful Brand With Vance Lee of Playground Theory

Joshua Chin 6:01

Oh, yeah. Especially with what’s happening right now as we speak with acquisition costs, effectively doubling tripling over the past couple of years. Supply chains, always a scary thing to navigate around. And you took the route of crowdfunding. And subsequently, beyond the crowdfunding stage, you went into wholesaling, and distribution, instead of directly to the consumer, which is, which is really unique, because most of the stories that I’ve heard, is you launch on Kickstarter, and then a move to Indiegogo. And then you continue the brand on Amazon or on Shopify, and you scale that way. How did you end up wholesaling?

Vance Lee 6:55

Yeah, so I mean, we do both, we’re still selling on our ecommerce Store. We’re on Amazon. Definitely. Amazon is not the main source of traffic for us. But wholesaling is really interesting. You know, we talked about a little bit about this before, but wholesaling is, it’s, it’s really interesting, because as ecommerce entrepreneurs, I think a lot of us started these businesses just so that we don’t have to be in the real world. Yeah, with, like interacting with other people, we just want to have like a good system and it working, you know, like maybe it’s on Amazon, it’s working. And it’s, it’s managing itself or on Shopify, and it’s managing itself. And we’re just kind of like, you know, we automate customer service, and we get away from it. Yeah, that’s our goal as as entrepreneurs, and this kind of like, hit us by accident, we just had a, we had a successful, two successful launches with those coffee products. And we actually, this is crazy, because at the beginning, we weren’t really thinking of wholesale. But we talked to a lot of other people that were successful in the in, in the Kickstarter and crowdfunding community. And they said, Hey, we had a lot of people like reach out to us, once we had these successful campaigns. And this has kind of led to like a whole other channel where we could, where we could do sales. And, and once we have that cool, really, really cool product launched a few years ago, we had a lot of different people reach out to us, and a lot of people asking us, hey, you know, like, are you looking for a distributor in in Korea? Are you looking for a distributor in Dubai? And it’s just kind of rolled out a little bit. And we started on once we got that positive feedback, we took that feedback and said, Okay, let’s actually do a little bit of outreach. And let’s connect with some of these people like proactively to see if we can get more distributors. But that’s kind of which that’s kind of what started it. And the crowdfunding is really interesting, because some people are actively looking in certain niches to look for cool products to sell or to distribute in their own countries. Yeah. But the other thing is, once we start doing it, you know, once this starts rolling, and you’re actually interested in doing outreach, like we were, the crowdfunding project becomes your, your, your, excuse me, your business cards, so to speak. Because you can show them and say, Hey, we raised, you know, this amount of money. And this was before, this is a real product. So people were really interested, this might be something interesting to you, if you’re distributing coffee, coffee products in whatever country, let’s say, Japan, Korea. And we it’s crazy, actually, because, you know, we manufacture products in China. But we actually are selling our products back to a Chinese distributor who’s distributing this product to Chinese like coffee shops and coffee retailers. So I mean, I don’t know too many brands that have been able to accomplish this because mostly China brands are interested in like foreign brands were like a foreign brand, but manufactured in China. So they kind of got to the point where they’re like, Okay, yeah, we can we can sell this like it’s, it’s interesting enough to Chinese audience, which is very, very rare to be able to sell, like a Chinese product back to China and have them sell it to Chinese people. Oh, yeah. So really, super interesting. So yeah, and we’ve we’ve known a lot of other people who’ve taken successful crowdfunding campaigns that we’ve worked with that have brought that to all sorts of interesting opportunities in in distribution, not only in terms of just like distribution in terms of having a distribute in certain countries, but to be able to sell, you know, the real one of my favorite examples is we worked with she, she was a chef. And she’s, she’s a chef. And she she’s not an ecommerce person. She’s not a business person necessarily in that way. And she’s never touched like ecommerce. She wanted to launch a hot sauce. And she developed this hot sauce and originally in China, and she launched us on a crowdfunding campaign. So if you can imagine, hot sauce is like $1, or $2, and Chinese grocery store, and people are like, it’s not a high price point product. But she built an awesome story around it built an awesome campaign around this and launched this on Kickstarter. And she ended up raising over $120,000 for for hot sauce. And what that ended up doing for her was not just like the fact that she got this money and started building this community. She what she did was she took this and she ended up using the success of the campaign to start doing other things that allowed her to distribute so she has people to shooting for she’s right now in. She’s selling on Amazon also she’s I think she’s doing about last time I checked, this is a handful of months ago, maybe half a year ago, she was doing about 200 to 250,000 a month on Amazon on Amazon alone. And on Amazon alone. Her traffic her website has like I think about 30,000 or 40,000 visitors every month. Most of it is

Joshua Chin 11:15

beginning when it’s more than that right now. It seems like the majority of her traffic’s coming from search and direct traffic. And she’s getting about 135,000 visits a month killing

Vance Lee 11:27

it right now. Yeah, that’s insanity. This is a hot sauce, like this is something that’s been around for 1000s of years and our ancestors have, like I’ve passed recipes or whatever it might be. So 130 Like this is crazy. So she’s she’s scaled a lot since we spoke to her last. And the crazy thing is on the topic of distribution channels, she’s she was able to get into Costco, which is insane. And she was able to get into Whole Foods, which is like one of those difficult retailers to get into. So she used that Kickstarter launch as this kind of like, way to springboard herself into this, these other opportunities. But she does really well on ecommerce, as you can see on our Shopify store and on Amazon. But she now has all these alternative channels. So from the from the perspective of diversification and not not being limited or not being risking like your entire business on just one traffic or one channel. This is like an awesome way to kind of explore that and be able to be able to see how else you can expand and not only expand to further diversify your risk, but actually expand to increase and grow and get more sales and more revenues. That’s a really super cool.

Joshua Chin 12:33

And that’s flybyjing.com. Flybyjing.com. And I was I was checking out the link that you sent me on Kickstarter. So that was back in 2019. When she launched. Exactly, yeah. So that kickstart the entire journey that she’s had on on Amazon and on retail and on on Shopify.

Vance Lee 12:56

Exactly, yeah. And this is like a very common story for people that are I mean, they have to be committed to the brand that they want to build. There are a lot of people that just want launched one off Kickstarters. And, you know, you hear about, like either them not succeeding or not following through afterwards, and that type of thing. But if you’re committed to growing a successful business, you’re committed to growing your brand. These, this is an example of like an amazing story that, um, that can that can happen from this. And we have plenty of other stories like this, like makeup brushes that have gotten to Sephora, and like featured on these crazy like beauty magazines and stuff like that after their launch. And just just really when you’re committed to growing something, and you build that community, which is one of the reasons why Kickstarter is really powerful, then you’re really able to take this kind of to the next level once you’re able to, once you’re able to, you know to have that initial foundation set for

Joshua Chin 13:44

you know, alright, let’s unpack that a little bit. It sounds like anybody can sell chili crisps. It there isn’t much of a proprietary formula. Well, there’s a recipe for sure. But like you mentioned, you could get this at the grocery for for really cheap. What makes for a successful campaign on Kickstarter and Indiegogo?

Vance Lee 14:15

Yeah, so I would there’s there’s a bunch of different things. We can talk like several hours about this. But I think the high level is that two things once you want you have to develop a strong campaign itself. And that comes to like all the assets that you create. So Photo Video, copy the story that you’re telling with why the campaign is coming to life. She told an amazing story with Viva Jiang she told an amazing story about bringing the hot sauce from like family recipe and, and going back to the culture of doing this in China. Originally, it was actually manufactured in China. I think they moved it since then. But the she told an awesome story. So essentially, she created a great brand that she was able to present to, to the audience of people that want to support. Yep, so that’s, of course extremely important to have all of that nailed. And you know, your, your audience, a lot of them are in Shopify, they’re creating brands direct to consumer on Shopify. So they understand the importance of having a, you know, a well presented store, a store that has, you know, substance to it that makes people feel connected to it that feels credible. All those types of things would go into that that campaign. Yeah. So that’s the first thing. And the second thing is really important. And maybe a lot of people don’t really focus on it in this way, is to build most people call it a list, I like to call it a community because we want to not only have emails like on some type of database, but the idea is we want to start building up an audience of people that are going to be interested in what your brand is doing, what this product is going to be that you’re launching. And once you build this, this is actually how we get momentum in on the Kickstarter platform when we launch. So it’s not that we launch on Kickstarter. And then somehow, miraculously, you wake up with $120,000 of sales, by the end of it. There’s a lot of preparation that goes into creating this campaign, where you prepare, you start building your audience, you start connecting with them, you get started getting them involved in the process, so that you can build an audience that’s going to support you in your first launch. And our goal always is to hit our funding goal within the first 24 to 48 hours. So once we do that, we start getting them, we start getting Kickstarters attention, so we can start getting some organic ranking, and we start getting people on the website to see it, maybe we get featured by Kickstarter. And once we do that, then that’s, that starts to snowball and get momentum that way.

Joshua Chin 16:27

Right. So it sounds like it’s speed at the beginning, get get to scale quickly on on, or at least perceived scale on the platforms, and then leverage that off to to next stage. What’s the counter example? What are some of the common mistakes that that that you see people make when launching on Kickstarter and Indiegogo? Without knowing what the right thing is to do?

Vance Lee 16:56

Yeah, so I think there’s, I think there’s the main common mistake can be, can be classified as just like not being prepared. So most people, I mean, some people I’ve seen, like amazing products that they’re launching on Kickstarter. And I think when they approached this, they just thought, Okay, we have a great product it’s going to sell, it’s just not the case anymore. Maybe like 10 years ago, 12 years ago, on Kickstarter, when it first started, you can put up a great product, or even average product, and somehow it can go viral and just get funded. Yeah. But nowadays, you can’t do that you have to really, really focus on the pre launch community development efforts. And the biggest mistake is actually not preparing and building your community in advance and hoping that once you put it out, it will come and, and the results will come. So that’s going to be a huge mistake, if you think that you can just put it up, and it’s going to it’s gonna just fly off the shelves, that’s gonna, it’s gonna be a little bit disappointing. It’s, it’s possible that it still could be successful, there are situations where they just didn’t prepare, and they got really, really, really, really lucky. Yeah, but in most situations, if you don’t prepare, you’re gonna be in a really weird situation where you might have an awesome product, you might have something really cool to pre show, but people are just not supporting it, because nobody knows about it. So yeah, the biggest common mistake I see is not being not being prepared in terms of making sure you build your community, but also not being prepared in terms of presenting your, your, your product and a brand in a way that connects to your your audience. So there’s a lot of people that like to what I call just develop products in the dark and launch like in the dark, yeah, which means that they just, they essentially develop a product on their own without getting external input or connecting with the outside world and just think that it’s gonna be an awesome idea because they think it is. And this can work. But often more often than not, being able to actually connect with your target audience in advance and get some feedback is going to help you with your campaign. So having that type of interaction and advanced with your, what we call IFCS, which means ideal future customers, like connecting with your IFCS before the campaign while you’re building the community to get feedback and have them give you opinions about like, you know, what they find the most appealing photos or like, what features are interesting to emphasize, like things like that, all that can really, really help the success of your campaign rather than just kind of doing it all in a dark room. And then just like releasing it to the public when you’re ready. So that’s a that’s another common mistake that I see. And that’s not necessarily not being prepared, but it’s not being prepared as best you can by making use of you know, by making use of opinions of people that actually the note because they’re they’re your customers.

Joshua Chin 19:26

I love that because that effectively gives you an edge over competition that’s purely trying to compete on acquisition and marketing funnels and if you understand your your audience better than your competitors do. That’s likely to give you an edge that that the most people wouldn’t have. What do you see as Now we talked about Kickstarter being a launch pad for retail access into relationships where typically you wouldn’t have the opportunity to with flavor during that was Costco and Whole Foods. And that all came from the success of a Kickstarter campaign bring eyeballs to the project that in the product. What else do you see as a as an upside that most people don’t realize from launching on Kickstarter?

Vance Lee 20:29

Yeah. So this is something that I don’t know if we mentioned earlier, at least not in detail. But the one of the biggest benefits of Kickstarter as a financial one. And also, because it’s financial, it’s going to be related to being able to scale faster and just do a lot more things. And that’s specifically the idea that you actually don’t need to order inventory before you launch a Kickstarter campaign. So in a traditional Amazon, or ecommerce or like Shopify approach, you, okay, you decide I want to launch this product, I’m going to go order 2000 units of this product, and it’s going to cost me $50,000. And I’m going to place this order $50,000, they’re going to get the inventory into my warehouse, wherever it is, and then I’m going to start selling it, that’s when I can start selling it online. So I’ve done all the preparation, I’ve set up all the you know, the the product pages. And now once the inventory is there, once I’m my product page is ready, then I can start selling. So this is really, really, really, really different than the Kickstarter approach, which is a crowdfunding model. And this approach is almost an interesting way that flips the entire model upside down. Because what happens with a Kickstarter model is all you need to launch is you need to have a prototype of your product. So some prototype that then you can show that this product exists. And the second thing is that you need to have that campaign page that we talked about right campaign page consists of your photo assets, your video assets, your copy your everything that you’re using to tell the story about that. And the best thing about this is that these are all things, you’re not doing anything extra for Kickstarter, these are all things that you would have needed to launch to run and launch on Shopify launch on Amazon, launch your brand in general. So investing these assets isn’t an extra step. It’s actually just all the stuff you’d be doing to launch anywhere else. But instead of launching with the need for inventory, you’re launching first to Kickstarter as a way to as a way to get some pre orders so you can get this funding. So the the main benefit is that this is a way that mitigates risk. And actually, it actually mitigates any type of inventory risks that you would have in, in in compared to the scenarios where you launched in Shopify and Amazon and where you need to have the inventory first. So because of that, it’s it minimizes risk. But also at the same time, it gives you cash flow, because the way that Kickstarter works is that after you’re you have to set a campaign. So the one of the biggest confusions is that people think Kickstarter is a replacement for like Amazon or Shopify, it’s another platform. And it’s another platform. But it’s not a permanent platform that you sell on forever. It’s a platform that allows you to just launch, you set a campaign for X number of days, up to 60 days, you know, we usually recommend between 30 to 45 days. But once you launch it, it’s over. You’re done. So that’s that’s the end of your launch campaign. And within 15 days after the launch, and after the campaign closes, you get paid by Kickstarter. So let’s say your funding goal was $30,000. And you raised like $150,000.15 days after the campaign closes, let’s say it’s 35 days, it closes 15 days after that, that’s when you get paid by Kickstarter, so you get the entire amount of cash. So what that means is that you have now access to the funds in advance, before you place your manufacturing order, you can decide okay, well now I can order for more than I needed to because I want to kind of buffer up my inventory advance in case I’m worried about supply chain issues or whatever it might be later on. Or you can say okay, I’m gonna just order the minimum amount, and I’m gonna invest the rest of this money into marketing. You can do whatever you want with it, like this is your money. Now it’s your cash, as long as you fulfill the orders that your promise to your your supporters, then you’re able to have some extra cash that can help you scale your business. So some people decide, okay, I’m going to invest in more inventory. Some people decide, hey, I’m going to start these types of initiatives with this product, or this marketing this product. Or they might decide, hey, I’m going to look at using this to start prototyping and launching product three, your product for whatever they want to do. So this gives you a huge advantage because you have cash. And as we know, like cash is extremely important for running an ecommerce business. So this address is one of the biggest challenges we were talking about that are big now in an ecommerce forum for sellers like

Joshua Chin 24:29

Vance. I know that this isn’t just a channel for new sellers or new new brands. It’s also for existing brands and existing businesses. I’ve seen brands like Philips, one of the oldest consumer brands in the world, launching a projector I think on Kickstarter, or it might have been Indiegogo. I’m not sure what it was but what what’s the thought process behind doing that as a brand like Philips? Yeah,

Vance Lee 24:59

this is Such a good question. This is a really good question because most people think, Okay, well, if I have funds that I don’t need it, so there’s this thing, this is for new people. Well, I mean, this is a very, very effective strategy for people that are new that don’t have funding. But if you have funding, you get some of the advantages that we just talked about now, which is essentially, if you want to scale your your innocence, you situation where you get to have cash flow, because you get the money first, and you minimize your inventory risk. So you don’t have to order inventory in advance. And you have access to this cash, which allows you to do and reinvest in your business in different ways, either to help with supply chain by placing a bigger order, or all this other stuff that you could do with what you want to do with that cash. So those are the things that we just talked about. But other than that, if you’re an existing brand, let’s say you already have five products or 10 products, and you’re looking to start building a passionate audience that really cares about what you’re doing. Kickstarter is an amazing way to do this. Because unlike just selling a product on your ecommerce store, selling a product on Amazon, you don’t really develop a strong relationship with that audience member, the Kickstarter campaign allows you to create a situation where you’re almost bringing people together, this is the strategy that we’d like to use. Some other people will tell you differently. But the strategy that we like to use is we like to use the campaign. Well, what’s this an excuse to build a community right, and when we do here is we’re involving them in the process of us launching your product. And imagine how much more somebody is excited to be a part of your brand or no, you know, know about who you are know about your brand story, if they get to be involved in the process of bringing one of your products to life. So if you have if you have an existing business and you let’s say you have a lot of funding and cash flow isn’t an issue, which in most situations, I rarely meet people that don’t have a cash flow issue. But let’s say cash flow wasn’t an issue. And you cared about building and starting to scale your brand into opportunity, like either new opportunities or building your audience so that you can launch products more easily, this is going to be extremely valuable for you because you’re looking for building a strong list. Because strong list means a strong community means that you can launch products more easily, it means that if you eventually consider exiting, having a strong list, and a responsive list is going to up the value of your business like crazy because, you know, we know that Amazon businesses, for example, aren’t worth as much as like real, quote unquote, real ecommerce businesses that have lists and that have an audience because a lot of the value of an ecommerce business comes from the fact that you have an actual audience that has that is interested in your brand. And that means that you can use that to and you talked about this is to be able to extend the lifetime value of discovery and launch multiple products at once accessories and things like that, that allows you to be able to take advantage of this long term. So for an established band, this is even more important to be able to take advantage of how can you extend the lifetime value? How can you build an audience that’s gonna really care about what you do? And how can you start building this foundation for like a real, this is what real businesses do, right? I mean, like old school businesses, they have developed this type of reputation and like a connection to the audience in a different way. But in, you know, in our, in our time, connecting with real audiences, it requires developing that relationship. And this is what a crowdfunding allows you to do.

Joshua Chin 28:05

That’s incredible. And Vance tell tell me a little bit about your program. I know that you, you take on students, and you teach people how to do this, and you’ve done it yourself. So you’re in a very unique position where we’re in your teeth, you’re doing what you preach. So what’s the program about what is it like? And how can people get get to know more about that?

Vance Lee 28:30

Cool, yeah, so the program is what we call the Launch Accelerator Blueprint. And this is a LAB for short. And this is a program that we developed based on the launch process that we use to launch our own products. But also, when we used to work as an agency and as, as consultants, for product launches, and brand launches, we use this this type of process to launch these brands. And so that’s what’s allowed us to, to raise the $7 million in successful launches. So we’ve developed, we’ve taken that and we’ve kind of turned it into a coaching program that allows someone who has your let’s say, you have a good product idea, or you’re working on a niche, and you’re trying to try to find the right product to launch for your brand next, or you’re completely new to, you know, you’re completely new to ecommerce, you want to launch the first product. This will allow you to go from that point where you’re conceptualizing product all the way to launching and getting funded. But really, the purpose of this program is not only to launch and have this successful crowdfunding campaign or a Kickstarter campaign, the goal is for you to go through this program, and prepare yourself for your brand to be successful in the long term by building those fundamentals of having having a community having the brand, the core fundamentals of your brand story and everything that your brand represents so that you’re able to effectively connect with your audience and everything that it takes for you to be scaling into whatever ecommerce channels that you want to after a successful launch. So that’s what the program is about. And and yeah, we’ve had a lot of interest of this based on you know, based on people that are interested in exploring In your data provider model, because they think that she’s going to add some value to the, to the way that they grow and scale their business.

Joshua Chin 30:05

And last last question, there’s something I’m curious about what is what’s the cost involved in? In launching a product on on Kickstarter? Well, what are the costs that we don’t think about that, that we have to plan? ahead for?

Vance Lee 30:23

Yeah, good question. So if, for any of your audience members that have launched a product already, a lot of the, the costs are gonna be very similar. So the main costs that are going to be similar are product development. So you can’t escape product development, that’s going to be the same no matter where you launch how you launch with with Kickstarter, you’re going to have to create that campaign page that we talked about. So the campaign page is, it’s going to consist of photo video copy and just creating your your brand, your brand identity on that. So that’s generally most people are already doing this for their launches. So if you’re launching on Shopify, you’re launching on Amazon, whatever it is, you need to do photography, you need to do your videos, you need to do good quality coffee. So the benefit of Kickstarter is that you don’t actually you’re not actually doing anything different than what you would have done to prepare for that. But so So again, that part is going to be the same. So this is a huge advantage. But what’s different in Kickstarter, this can be something generally, we recommend that the whoever’s working on this has has they do this themselves, or they’re working with their own team on doing this, but there’s going to be effort associated with developing and building that community, which is a little bit of extra, something that you’re not going to be doing often in your, your other types of launches. So that’s going to depending on your, you know, depending on who’s doing it on your team, that’s going to have an extra cost associated with your time or your team members, or whatever that might be, you’re also going to look at considering ad costs. So ad costs for building an audience and using using ADS to build, you know, build those build a specific type of audience that you’re gonna be acquiring before your launch, and ads during the campaign. So generally, before the campaign, we recommend at least experimenting with like 500 to $1,000, at least. And if it’s going to be effective, then you want to, you can continue scaling that if you, you know, you’re confident in the fact that this is it’s bringing the right type of audience, right. And we usually do that through Facebook ads, once the campaign launches, it’s like running ads to your ecommerce store. But instead of driving traffic to your ecommerce store, you’re driving traffic to the Kickstarter campaign page, where you have a chance to convert them. So that budget is going to be depending on the success of your, your campaigns, because you’re you’re gonna you’re gonna get feedback. So you know, if you’re successful, and you’re just getting really good ROI, you want to make sure you have cash available, because if you’re, you know, if you’re seeing ROI of like five to one or 10 to one, like you want to keep us want to put as much money in that as possible, because you’re going to convert, right. And but if it’s the opposite, and it’s not the case, you’re not forced to spend more money, you can say, hey, this is not, you know, this is not working out. So let’s, you know, let’s stop spending more money into this. So it’s, in many ways, it’s not very different than a Kickstarter, like a like a regular lunch. But the only thing I’d say is that you probably want to invest more in photo and video in terms of making it high quality. So I don’t know the caliber that people expect to you know, if they’re launching on their own website or launching on Amazon, generally, I mean, my experience a lot of people just go is fairly budget when it comes to launching on Amazon, they just get it. So compared to that, you definitely want to be able to invest in higher quality assets, because this is what people are going to be judging your brand by and judging your product by. And once you invest in this asset, you can use this like everywhere else afterwards. So that’s part is likely what we recommend spending a little bit more money than you would usually. But that cost depends on which market you’re in if you’re able to get access to, you know, good good creative talent and that type of thing. So that’s not really it’s good. I would say that it’s generally more expensive because you want to invest in higher quality but the cost depends on where you are and where you’re looking at it. That’s

Joshua Chin 33:49

what do you think about sending traffic direct to the Kickstarter page versus sending traffic to say an advertorial and then the Kickstarter page is a two step process. And that gives us the opportunity to retarget people, because you then have a pixel I presume, on your advertorial versus on a Kickstarter page, and also an opportunity to capture their emails and phone numbers for retargeting, and remarketing. And that’s our jam. So,

Vance Lee 34:19

good question. In general, what what is most effective, at least in the current landscape is to drive people directly to the Kickstarter page. And generally, you know, we the idea is that this is not it’s not the best practice, you know, as you mentioned, like we don’t have their email, we don’t capture their contact information, so we can’t retrieve it. But what what we do with Kickstarter ads is we generally we, we flex target or to like narrow down our targeting audience to people that know Kickstarter. So we’re targeting we don’t we’re not trying to target people that don’t understand crowdfunding or Kickstarter, because those people it’s going to be like, we have to convince them to want the product and we have to we have to As for the idea of understanding Kickstarter, so that’s going to be a whole different barrier. So what we do is we want to make sure that we’re only targeting people that are, that are going to be focused on Kickstarter that have backed Kickstarter projects in the past. And, and what this means is that really at that point, they’re deciding if they want it or not. And you know, it, right. Like, it sucks if we can’t target them, and we can’t take advantage of it that way. But this is just, it’s just what’s done right now, at least with a Kickstarter audience. And they’re very familiar with seeing ads like this, and that, that type of approach. So they go to it, they’ll decide if they want it, and, and hopefully, you’ve done a good job. And you’ve really done a good job to connect with your target audience. And they do want it so

Joshua Chin 35:40

make sense, fantastic. Vance, what’s the best way for people to get in touch with you and learn more about your program?

Vance Lee 35:48

Yeah, you can definitely find us on our website through livemyplayground.com. So live, and why playground as in the thing you play on when you’re outside as a kid. So livemyplayground.com. And, yeah, we have free resources there. So if you’re interested in you’re just exploring the the crowdfunding model, the preorder model, and you think that something could be interesting to you, you can feel free to opt in for the free resources. Or if you’re, if you’re curious about launching with crowdfunding, whether or not you’re just starting out, or you’re, you know, you’re pretty advanced, and you want to explore if this is the right approach for you. We want to create six success stories. So we’re going to be honest with you, if you pitch us product, and we don’t think it’s going to work. Like we want you to be successful. It doesn’t. It doesn’t look good on us. If we you know, if we work with you, and there’s a product that you’re presenting that’s not going to do well. So if you want to say hey, connect with us and say hey, does this product work? Or do you think about this niche? Or what do you think but feel free to reach out to us? And and yeah, we can definitely offer a scholarship to anyone that comes like a discount to the program for anyone that comes through the ecommerce profits. Okay,

Joshua Chin 36:51

fantastic. All right. mentioned that you came to the podcast and reached out to Vance and I learned a lot in this conversation. I’m sure that people listening have learned a lot too. So thank you for coming on the show. And we’ll talk soon.

Vance Lee 37:09

Yeah, thanks, man. Really appreciate it. I think that we shared a lot of cool knowledge and if you’re interested in having around to or something like that, and we can dive into some other like specifics or whatever. It is happy to do that. And

Joshua Chin 37:19

yeah, let’s definitely, Vance. Thank you for coming on the show.

Vance Lee 37:23

Thanks, Josh CMN.

Outro 37:28

Thanks for listening to the eCommerce Profits Podcast. We’ll see you again next time and be sure to click Subscribe to get notified of future episodes.

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