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Personalizing the On-Site Experience To Drive Conversions With Csaba Zajdó of OptiMonk

Csaba Zajdó 5:40

Yeah, so what’s interesting is that most marketers understand why personalization is important in like emails, or SMS, and not just, you know, broadcasting the same message to everyone all the time, right. Having delivered a relevant message to you in email, or SMS makes it more likely to click through to buy whatever you know, you are recommending to the user. Still, when it comes to on site experiences, we usually stick with the same generic experience for each and every users. While like providing a simple work and pop up can give you like a 5% conversion rate out of 100 people, maybe maybe five will subscribe, and that’s fine. And I guess that’s one of the one of the reasons is that it’s good enough, it’s good enough for most marketers, right 5% Is not that bad. Compared to my CPM rates, it’s good enough. But with a with a minimal effort, you could make it 20% 30%, we have seen 7% conversion rates with unanswered messages, pop up sign messages. So instead of spending a huge amount of time and money, optimizing ads, optimizing emails, and a lot of other stuff, which will be seen by a couple of hundreds of people, here’s your chance to invest some minimal effort into optimizing the on site experience, optimize these popups, which will be seen by often 10s of 1000s of people in the next month or so. And you will have a much better ROI for these optimization efforts. Then maybe optimize super optimizing, micro optimizing your your Facebook ads, for example.

Joshua Chin 7:32

That’s, that’s really important. In the past, just past couple of quarters alone, we’ve seen acquisition costs for our clients, practically double. And that’s been a massive pain, not just to us as an agency, because we see things on the back end and lifecycle marketing, where every lead becomes so much more expensive, that the pressure is on, the pressure is on to grow customer lifetime value, and to grow, and optimize for a better experience on the back end. And that starts with personalization. And a lot of conversations that we have had with our clients, and internally with our team is how do we create a personalized experience at scale for every single customer and every single visitor that comes by our site? So what are some ideas that you’ve seen that work the best, or are typically uncommon, but that people miss out on? Anything that that’s interesting?

Csaba Zajdó 8:36

Yep. So let’s just start with the basics like like lead capture. So instead of presenting a welcome popup, for each and every visitor when they just arrived your site, just using an exit intent trigger, and using a teaser, which was just a less aggressive way of pre teasing, basically just pre showing your message to users will usually improve my we usually double the conversion rate of your messages. So that’s just the like step number one and it’s super easy to do. Then personalizing these messages, these lead capture forms based on like, for example, interest based on source based on country, but I mean, if you are using Facebook ads, you have a lot of data you can work with. In Facebook, you can target like, if you are selling and nutrition, you can you have you can have a different ad set for people who want better sleep and a different ad set for people who want to lose weight for example, right. So right two different problems that why would you want to just show the same message you know, when they click through Each of these people ran from the UTM parameters, you can perfectly know that, all right, this guy, this visitor is interested in losing weight, and this other is interested in better sleep. So you can absolutely personalize your message and based on that knowledge that you already know. And even in those examples, when you don’t know the, for example, their their problem, like you know, the upcoming organic, for example, direct traffic, right? Then you can start, maybe not with a lead gen form that, hey, give me your email address. But hey, what problem are you trying to solve, just click on any of these problems, weight loss or better sleep. And I will, by the way, just in exchange, I will give you a 10% discount. So instead of using this form, as you know, like, right away as an offer, basically, you just incentivize the click of the problem to your users with this 10%. offer, we call this by the way, convert, call this use case a conversational popup. So the first first screen, you just ask your question and give them some options, they click through. Usually, the click through of this first question is about 20 to 25%. So it’s usually very high if you if you have the right right wording on the second page. Alright, so here is your 10%, thank you so much, give me your email address. And on the staff page, the other third page, you can, alright, so based on your interest, I can already recommend you like these top three products in weight loss, for example, if they clicked on weight losses, so now, you don’t have to wait for the email sequence to send personalized emails for the user regarding weight loss. But you can order this third, this kind of personalization on adjust in the same message, the same pop up on the third page. And that’s again, just the beginning. If you if you have like a cat abandonment email, or sorry, a caravan pop up, or you have any kind of recommendation aside messages throughout the journey, you can already use that information which which came from the first pop up or even from the UTM parameters. You can personalize, again, this experience based on this knowledge you already know about the user.

Joshua Chin 12:21

That is fantastic. And I just want to latch on to that the three step process that you just described, having the first step being a micro engagement, micro commitment type of a question, where Hey, are you trying to solve? Are you trying to get better sleep? Or are you trying to lose weight? That simple question, and the fact that it’s so easy for someone to engage with that popup. So you mentioned that 20 up to 25% of people who sees the pop up, click on an option that creates consistency with the next step. So it’s way more likely that someone’s going to enter an email once they have engaged with the pop up versus not having engaged with the pop up and immediately asking for an email upfront. In. So I have a couple of buddies who have done this on their site. And they’ve seen as high as an 18%, opt in rate on the email, ask and a 9% opt in, on the text message, opt in, that comes after the email opt in so incredibly high. So just for context, Csaba, like you mentioned, if you just set up a pop up without much of a personalization happening, it’s relatively looking decent, you’re gonna see maybe a four or 5% conversion rate fairly decent. But at 18%, you’re basically converting 18 out of 100 visitors that you’ve paid for on Facebook or any other traffic source. That gives you the opportunity to immediately upsell, convert and nurture on the back end without ever having to pay Facebook again.

Csaba Zajdó 12:48

Absolutely. And you said 18% for email and 9% for SMS. But we have a use case we have use case called Trojan horse which allows you to get 18% on email and 15% on SMS. And it’s not either or but both but both Okay, basically. I mean if I can share you the secret of it. Basically you use email as the Trojan horse you know which opens the door people are so much more likely to give your email address they know that all right. I mean maybe I get these newsletters but it’s alright for me. Maybe I will just unsubscribe if I’m not interested. And on the second page, you don’t request that phone number right away? No. First, you just give them an offer? Hey, double your discount, double your discount? Yes, I want to double my discount and give me your give and give my phone number No, no, email is just fine and 10% is just fine. For example, if you were offering a 10% discount on the main value proposition for the email, you just Alright, if you if you doubled it to 20%, if you also give me your phone number, and 78 80% of users who give who gave you their email address will also give you their phone numbers. But I mean, even if you don’t want to like double the discount, because you feel alright, but too much. Even just, if you if you say that, alright? Hey, would you like to get this discount code for your phone to just for this convenience, reason, like half of all email subscribers will also give you their phone numbers. So you will still even if you don’t give any extra value just out of fourth, just offer the convenience of getting this discount. Half of this 18% will also give you that phone number, so you will get the best of both worlds without any extra value. And it’s really powerful. And if you combine it with the conversation pop up, which I said of first asking a couple of questions, then you have zero party data, you have email, you have phone, and you can already give a lot of interesting rapid recommendations on the first thank you page of this this message. It’s just super strong combination. And again, we haven’t even talked about real personalization, like based on the traffic source or based on country or based on any other interesting opportunities.

Joshua Chin 16:52

That is fantastic. I love that. Right. Now, let’s tell them the flip side. What are some common mistakes that you see? And that I’m sure you’re probably consumers? Well, you buy stuff online, right? And you probably see things that kind of irks you go like, Ah, what a terrible pop up or what a terrible on site. Retargeting pop up. What are some of the worst that you’ve seen?

Csaba Zajdó 17:20

The worst is definitely that just for some reason, people have such a low expectation regarding popups. I guess that all right, it’s working. It appears it has the input field and it’s working. I tested it. And that’s all right. And it’s, it’s converting like 3.3 point 5%. All right, move on Google. It’s better than nothing. And that’s all and, and that’s what I see. And they don’t do any AB test regarding the messaging, they just, hey, get 10% off your first order. All right. And I mean, this. For me, it’s unbelievable how much potential and how much money is left on the table for most of these marketers. And then I see that they are super picky about their, their brand, regarding any other aspects, you know, their ads, they have all this brand guiding and everything else. But when it comes to these onside messages, pop up strategies, alright, it’s just working, working. And that’s why it’s really it’s the lowest hanging fruit on the table, which you can, you know, just pick right away and give me any other initiative or project where you can invest maybe half an hour of your time, and you can get definitely at least a double increase in conversions. I think there’s no other very few. Yeah, very few.

Joshua Chin 18:48

Very few have any at all. This is really interesting. Now, if you could go back in time, knowing what you know now. Right. And the given the context that we have today, with, with first party and third party data being so important, personalization becoming even more important than ever. What would you have done with OptiMonk? What kind of features or? or parts of the business? Would you have implemented a little bit earlier?

Csaba Zajdó 19:21

Well, I guess I would definitely have done sooner or all the deeper ClearView integrations, which we have just released a couple of weeks ago. Yeah. Which really allows you to target any claim your segment with any OptiMonk pop ups. So now we are like natively integrated with Clio. I think that everyone should be should have that done it earlier. Since we have, I don’t know, a couple of 1000s of ClearView users and many of them requested earlier. Often we don’t listen enough to customer voices I guess And we have to definitely improve in that, of not only just, you know, doing whatever next fancy feature, or use case we envision because we have a research team in house, and we actively experiment with all kinds of use cases, how could we better improve the conversion rates and better, you know, improve the lead gen forms and all this stuff. And whenever we create a new use case, we always see that or it can create a 30% conversion rate, let’s make it usable and achievable for all the users. But often, what I see is that most of our customers are not necessarily always interested in the latest, most most shiny, and even most efficient use cases, but they just they have their own like requirements, they will just like they will have to show they would love to show a special offer for their VIP segment in clay VO for example. And you know, hey, for VIPs, we have this super special offer of just for you, VA and they couldn’t do it for for a since a couple of weeks ago. That’s right now, you can do it.

Joshua Chin 21:10

So very cool. No, we so we have been a user of OptiMonk at the at the Agency for for a while now. And we’ve seen what it used to be and what it is today. And lots of changes along the way. Lots of new features and new integrations, a new development put in place. What are you personally most excited about in the next 12 months of the company? What can we expect?

Csaba Zajdó 21:43

Basically, what we are working on right now is to make the personalization of your website, not just for on site messages, like pop up assignments done above, but the embedded the native content of the website, personalized Zabel as much as possible, we see that there’s a huge demand to create personalized experiences on the landing pages on the home pages and many others. And why do I mean, we already offer this functionality. So you can basically personalize any part of your web page? There, I would I would I consider the current experience for this feature set, suboptimal. And we would like we would love to make it as convenient and easy to do. As with the untied messages, so people could just just create dozens or even hundreds of different messages for their websites, personalized messages and run these campaigns in you know, in parallel, without without the chance of annoying their visitors or conflicting these campaigns and just you know, just just let be created, or this all looks nice, and it will happen. And we are also working with a lot of AI related stuff. We have a lot of we have a huge amount of data sitting on right now. And we are also using are they using it to to control some aspect of our messages. Like for example, we have this user experience product or feature, which even if you create 100 Different pop ups, which some of them might conflict, it will stop them from appearing. If if it appears that it will just annoy the user. So basically, it’s like a limitation of the impressions of your of your messages. But it gives you the one with the peace of mind that all right, I created this pop ups I’m not sure if the targeting is all set up correctly. But nevermind, I turned up this user’s screen protector and I don’t have to worry about your gender and overwhelming them with a lot of different messages.

Joshua Chin 24:03

Very, very cool. Very interesting. It sounds like a lot of lots of things are happening behind the scenes that we don’t realize, I love I love the idea of having personalization, native sort of product pages into the landing pages. And that’s really a big step. That’s that’s really interesting to me. And I’m looking forward to, to seeing that. Now on a on a personal note for for you as an entrepreneur and you have been building businesses for a long time now. Coming to almost two decades. What are some of your what what are some of the biggest lessons and insights that you carry with you as you build a company? From day to day?

Csaba Zajdó 24:52

Well, yeah, so besides OptiMonk I’m also the founder of Innonic. Innonic week, we call it the startup Studio. or you might call the startup factory. Basically, the concept is to to validate a lot of startup ideas. And then if any of them are is actually working, then you can then be dedicated team for for this, this idea and raise some VC funding, and then that’s about it, let them go and be early startup. I mean, while we are not really actively working on it right now, because I had to admit that I cannot sit too many horses with one, you know? Yeah, course I, still, we are, we are invested in maybe more than dozen startups. And what I always see is that most startups, most products, launch up with a with a lot of hypotheses with a lot of assumptions that, alright, this is something that people will want. And they, they scared too early up, and they started raising money they start spending big on as they start doing a lot of investments basically on parts of the business, which is really super, super early. And just in the beginning, just keeping your operations as low as possible. And yeah, as lean as possible and going for the product market fit and looking for this product market fit. I think that that that’s so easy to ignore, especially if you can’t find it right away, because you have this pressure from everyone that Alright, I’ve already invested like, I don’t know, three months or a half or a year of my life into this project, and it’s still not working. And we shouldn’t be we shouldn’t be we shouldn’t be growing. But again, growing is easy. If you have product market fit, it’s a pain in the ass, it’s a struggle if you don’t have it. So investing more time into validating your ideas and your hypothesis regarding the product markets with the general markets with all these, you know, the messaging itself. I think that that’s so much important. And, and definitely I would invest so much more time and money into some of my startup, previous startups. If I could start a startup in

Joshua Chin 27:16

Csaba, you, you just gave me an epiphany. I’m bridging this and linking this up with what I’ve heard very recently, from a consultant friend of mine. And in the consulting world, it’s all about removing friction, and then, and then move forward, remove friction, and then progress, remove friction, and then progress. And in this context, it’s about finding the right product market fit. So that growing becomes frictionless. And growing shouldn’t be painful, because the only the only pain that should come with growth is scaling operations, and then the growing pains that come with it. But happy pains. Growing shouldn’t be tough in terms of struggling to find new customers, when you have really great product market fit. That’s kind of like my key takeaway from what you’ve just shared.

Csaba Zajdó 28:11

In the in the startup world, there’s a saying that if you have growth, it, then all the rest of your problems is not that important. If you don’t have growth, then all the rest of your problems is not that important. So basically, growth solves all problems. Usually, I mean, of course, it will give you some new new problems, like operational stuff, you know, hiring a lot of people, but that’s super exciting. And yeah, and again, growth is is really a struggle. If you try to, you know, sell something that people don’t want basically, that’s product market fit is about if you can sell it, if you have something that’s actually working and solves that problem, which they were looking for, then all the rest will be so much more enjoyable and easy to do.

Joshua Chin 29:03

Now a little known little known fact about, about about you, Csaba that not many people know. You are one of the you were one of the top Starcraft players in Hungary back in the 2000s, early 2000s. Is that right? Yeah, yeah, that’s it. And you have an ongoing, I suppose wager internally with your company companies or employees that if anyone’s able to beat you in Starcraft, they get a free MacBook. Like with max out specs. Is that Is that true?

Csaba Zajdó 29:38

Yeah, we call it a policy. Not a regular but yeah, guys, it’s something like that. All right.

Joshua Chin 29:44

Sounds like a wager to me. What’s Uh, alright. What are some of the things what are some of the things that that you you took away from that, that experience into the business world in in growing your companies,

Csaba Zajdó 30:03

yeah, so stackup is a strategy game. And it really requires you to balance the the macro level, the strategy gopath, and the macro, like the operational part. And I often fear that the business, if you want to do business, right, it’s often the same, I mean, you cannot ignore neither of the of these words, if you if you get too much microfocus, if you just spend your time always doing the micro and operational stops, and just, you know, just fighting with the fires in house, that then the strategic level, you will get behind and you know, the market will change, and you will not notice new competitors coming up and all the new passive opportunities. But again, if you stay too much on the strategical level, and just you don’t notice the micro problems, you don’t, you know, extinguish the fires burning in house, then, of course, you will get killed before you could, you know, reach your big strategic goals. And of course, there’s always been there, there will be always more fires, basically, which you can, you know, fight all at once. So, just having the ability to pick the right battles. See, where is the juice of the battle is getting going, and they should focus your efforts. I think that’s very similar, both in business and Starcraft.

Joshua Chin 31:33

That’s really interesting. That’s really interesting.

Csaba Zajdó 31:37

And I’m not sure if you know, new but the founder of Shopify, Toby is also used to be a StarCraft player. And in the beginning, they bought he actually claimed to, to hire new colleagues based on their stagnant ability. Because believe that tiger players are smart. And if you can, if you’re a good soccer player, then you must be, you know, good in mathematics or something like that. Why I haven’t done it. Business, Tarkovsky was only I do have a couple of colleagues in, in the team who do, you can do that, too. But I know that they are.

Joshua Chin 32:23

Very, very similar. Similar. I think that there are industries and, and, and games, and practices outside of business and outside of our own industry, that can draw a lot of inspiration and ideas from and some of the best insights and revelations come from cross industry insights, because that’s where the least number of people go to look. And typically, that’s where you find ideas and insights that your competitors are not looking. And so, very cool, very impressive. What, what is, what is the number one advice that that you give yourself six times, like, before you first started coming into this crazy world of business and ecommerce?

Csaba Zajdó 33:27

You know, it’s, it’s a difficult question, right? Because, I mean, if assuming that I would, I know, I knew everything back then, which I knew today, I could, I could have, like, most of my mistakes and, like nine out of 10 decisions turned out to be suboptimal. In retrospective so so yeah, having having all these insights is, of course, it would be so much easier if I couldn’t, you know, see the future, which I couldn’t do that. But I mean, back then, again, I was young, and I had zero experience and I just started doing and I think that’s all part of the journey and, you know, the process itself of just doing all this stuff and, and get building on your experiences. The important thing is, I think, is that you shouldn’t get stuck in any anything too long, which we which is not working, but you have to be open minded, you have to, you know, just cut your losses, if you feel after a while that it’s not working. I think that too many people just I don’t know, take it like it’s a pride or you know, just in that ego stuff that I must make it work and why you know, so being able to differentiate between persistency and you know, just Alright, I just have to do it some something more, you know, I just I just need to keep doing it for a couple of extra years or more and it will be great. AND, and OR between the four I’m sitting on a dead horse. Yeah, basically, and it’ll be not working. However, you know, had I push it? I think that’s, that’s really hard really, especially with this hustle culture we have that Oh, you have to do is just push it more just work more. And this Yeah, this is really hard but finding the, the right battles to fight and and not fighting losing battles. I think that that’s super important. So it’s more instinct, though is not easy, it’s that easy. Of course experience helps. You know I have, I would say I have a group of people surrounding me who are honest, who are honest, and who don’t let me let the you know, get the ego get into my head and get too confident about they will tell me that Java, this is this thing, this thing you’re doing is just stupid. Just stop it. And then I can have honest conversation with all these people. And they will, you know, just keep this mirror in front of me. And so I can see how others look, that really helps. But even even when they have conflicting opinions, often it’s not easy to decide if I’m just sad, delusional, or I just

Joshua Chin 36:26

in my head, you have a group of people regarding to as a sounding board, who are truth tellers, who are able to act as a mirror and tell you exactly what you probably don’t want to hear, but need to hear. So, question, Who are these people? Are they your board of directors? Or is are these entrepreneurs that are at a similar stage of your business? Yeah, yep.

Csaba Zajdó 37:01

Yeah, so OptiMonk is bootstrapped. And it is also Bootstrap. So we don’t have any investors. We have an investor in LA for startups, and a member of those boards, but they usually give advice to these CEOs of startups. So I don’t I don’t personally don’t I don’t have a board. And usually, it’s, it’s my wife, definitely, she is the loudest critic of me. And I also have a couple of entrepreneurs who are similar age, similar background, we are usually very honest with each other. And I fortunately, I’m fortunate to say that my I have a really great team with really smart people who, I try to keep this culture where people are not only that furloughed to speak their mind, but also to encourage, to be honest with me. So we have a lot of really loud live debates up and in all kinds of different aspects of the business. Sometimes it’s even get emotional. But I think that that’s, that’s, I think that’s, that’s good. I mean, if people are allowed to get emotional, and even, you know, they sometimes like that, hey, screw you. That’s, I think that that’s a good point. Yeah, they care. Definitely. They care. And they are not afraid of being punished or anything like that, you know, by because they confronted me. I think, having that open culture, that’s, that’s really the most important stuff of, of hearing all the voices around you and keeping, keeping the open mindedness. Yes, you will have a lot of AIDS, which will just always tell you what you want to hear. And then you will be it make it like that? Yeah.

Joshua Chin 38:55

I’m really agree. And there won’t be any people that I that problem, my co founder, partners, my team in our culture, we, in our company, culture, we make it a point to, to be in our version of radical transparency, to speak with, to speak with radical transparency. And that means three things to us. It’s, you always have the right to ask why, no matter who made the decision. How it’s made. You have the right to ask why. If you if you’re curious if you don’t know. The second thing is you can not withhold critical opinion about anything. So if you feel strongly about the decision that’s that’s being made. You don’t just have the right but the obligation to say it for the for the betterment of the team and for the betterment of everyone. So we also go into debates on on things things that are seemingly the most mundane, but it really creates a culture of where it’s okay to speak up. And it’s okay to argue and still work in progress, frankly, with with a company of our stage in our size. It’s, it’s difficult. But I really appreciate the that

Csaba Zajdó 40:30

it’s really great. Yeah, it’s really great rules. I love them. I guess I will implement this this later part of, you know, no withholding of critical information or critical opinion. Yeah, that’s yeah, that’s, that’s important. Often, people are shy, I would say, of telling or voicing their opinion, but that it’s super important. And I often say that the company is not not a democracy. I mean, you have someone have to make choices, and it cannot be just, you know, mutual agreement, but still making the decision on your own, or make the decision after hearing everyone’s opinion, that’s a very different thing. And if you even voice the why, you know why this decision was made? After everyone you know, was listened to, then that’s when the buy in actually happens that people will say, All right, yeah, I could, you know, voice my concerns. But I understand your reasons. So this is the decision. So let’s go there. Even if I, if it was me, I would

Joshua Chin 41:41

go there, a few people were like, Oh, you can buy those mines, smart people, basically, very smart. People can say, You know what, I don’t agree with your decision. But you have my support. And I’ll fight this battle with you, throughout the way. That’s when you win as a team. And that’s something I’m really conscious about and trying to create a company. One of the things that I’ve, I’ve learned is that in the, in a company like ours, we’re a remote team. So we don’t get to see one another on a regular basis. There’s no informal conversations that happen without putting in conscious effort. So we try to create environments and opportunities for that to happen. But also, every interaction that we have through zoom and recall, becomes super important. And what I plan to do, this is something that we haven’t done yet. So very interesting to have this conversation view is to set some ground rules of engagement. It’s part of our culture, it’s written down. It’s part of our core values that we speak with radical transparency, we always have the right to ask why. Never withhold critical opinion. And also, the third thing is to never say anything about the person unless you’re able to say it to them directly. So it’s always a direct conversation. But we never really had a set of engagement rules, like ground rules for this is how we agreed to interact with one another. I agree that I will always speak the truth, I agree that I will always be honest and transparent, no matter how much it hurts. These are things that we never really patted down. But I think that it could be a massive help to articulate that explicitly.

Csaba Zajdó 43:43

Yeah, I’m not a big fan of policies. I mean, in my experience, I mean, in the past, I used to be used to have a lot of rules, you used to have a policy and a rule for everything. But what if he noticed that people don’t even know about them, and whenever you write the rules rule down or the policy, after, after a week or a month, it will get outdated, and no one will actually, you know, have the power, or the you know, the energy to maintain all this stuff. So instead of trying to micromanage all the letters, what type of your business I just having the right foundation, having the right people having the right culture, basically, which is like the immune the immune system of your company, and that having the right goals? I think it should be enough. And then basically, maybe, maybe you shouldn’t do it as straightforward as Netflix does that act in act in Netflix, best interest? I guess that’s the role that it used to be their only policy. Maybe they have some more policy right now. And maybe we have some more, but not too much. So we really try to maintain these policies as low as possible. So we have few, but we we believe them they are important, but rather really focus on the values and the company culture. And if you have the right culture and the right people who really agree on this culture and the lives and breathes these values, which you also believe in, then that’s when you will have, you know, an autonomous life so much to learn from the name power, and

Joshua Chin 45:18

thank you for sharing your thoughts together for a company. Let’s go on for people interested in connecting with you learning more about what you do, and learning more with OptiMonk Where can they go to?

Csaba Zajdó 45:41

Well, optimonk.com I guess that’s definitely the best way. And if you want to learn more about this whole methodology of personalizing on site experiences, and learn about this customer value optimization, the methodology itself, I recommend checking out optimonk.com/cvo Like customer value optimization CBO that’s it that the euro, and there you can download our guide actually, it was written by me it’s a it’s an easy but I think very useful summary of all the principles and thank you so much. Appreciate it. Yeah, I think that’s a good start for people reach out to me as ruling Csaba Zajdó All right.

Joshua Chin 46:29

All right. I, I try.

You know what, yes, you have a very nice, sweet sound. Many people can pronounce my Hungarian name to person right. That’s, that’s someone say that.

Csaba thank you so much for joining us on the show. And looking forward to hearing from you again very soon.

Outro 46:55

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