7 eCommerce trends to grow DTC marketing in 2022

Rewarding customers who leave reviews can bump up your positive feedback, but it’s important to make the process as frictionless as possible.
How to Future-Proof Your eCommerce Store—Top 3 ECommerce Marketing Strategies

Even 7 to 8-figure eCommerce stores double down on future-proofing their business. In other words, even they’re aware that big brands aren’t exempted from the ever-changing nature of the eCommerce industry.
Here are the important reasons why these big eCommerce brands would invest in future-proofing strategies.
How to Make it Easy for Customers to Leave Reviews and Get Rewards
Rewarding customers who leave reviews can bump up your positive feedback, but it’s important to make the process as frictionless as possible.
7 Ways Your Brand Can Be More Sustainable
Sustainable branding is important. With Millennials and Gen Z entering the workforce (and subsequently, their spending power is increasing), the standard for brands is being raised. With stores going online, today’s shoppers have a lot more options (and a lot more requirements) for the stores they’re going to shop at. With the vast options for […]
5 Winning Messenger Marketing Strategies to Achieve BFCM Success
Messenger Marketing is more than just another push-for-the-sale channel. If you implement the right strategies, it can become one of your brand’s major channels in further building your customer base. This, in turn, sets your online store up for BFCM success. Firstly, why leverage Facebook Messenger as a marketing tool for BFCM? Surely you already […]
Top 5 Customer Win-back and Traffic Monetization Strategies for Your Online Store
Issues pop up whether you’re still starting up or are already deep into the eCommerce game. These same issues are what’s keeping your online store from generating the revenue it should be making. Top-rated Shopify sales app Privy shared with us their clients’ most common issues along with how they helped their clients maximize their […]
eCommerce Marketing Trends 2021: 6 Experts Share their Thoughts on the Future of Online Retail
2021 is set to be the year of businesses getting back up and shaking the dust of 2020 off of our shoulders. eCommerce stores managed to power through the challenges of 2020. From the chaos, they also came out with a handful of major takeaways. These takeaways can then be used as a sort of […]
BFCM 2020: The Results Are In—Chronos Agency Sets New Records
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the biggest eCommerce events that businesses look forward to every year. At Chronos Agency, we entered the battlefield geared up with our best email marketing practices—and we came out alive and on top with spectacular BFCM 2020 results. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic that shook the world, this year’s BFCM […]
Take Control of the Holidays with this Proven 6-Step Email Marketing Sequence
As the third quarter of 2020 draws to a close, it’s time to evaluate how your email marketing strategies have fared so far. Did they exceed your expectations? Or do you think you could have done something more? With the 4th quarter of the year coming up, you have one last chance to boost your […]
How to Use Chatbots to Boost your eCommerce Business’ Post-Purchase Journey
When it comes to eCommerce the ultimate goal is to encourage someone to click that ‘buy now’ button. Due to this, there is often a focus on a customer’s pre-purchase journey, rather than their experience post-purchase. Nowadays, consumers have certain wants and needs from the post-purchase journey. They expect to be able to easily contact […]