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Vince Tan’s Live Digital Marketing Training Event 2020 – Generate Digital Income

April 13-17, 2020—Chronos Agency’s Co-Founder and CEO Joshua Chin attended Vince Tan’s Live Training “Generate Digital Income” (GDI) 2020 event. He was invited as both a speaker and a trainer for the many fresh minds that attended the online event. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, large public gatherings are strictly prohibited—but that didn’t stop this […]

The Evolution of Email Marketing — Smarter Destiny Podcast ft. Joshua Chin

March 23, 2020—Chronos Agency’s very own Co-Founder and CEO was interviewed on the Smarter Destiny Podcast by Martyn Cook. Josh shared how some businesses would still misunderstand the true purpose of email marketing. Catch more on the evolution of email marketing in the full episode here.   Email Marketing Isn’t What Many People Think It […]

How to Retain Lifelong Customers and Raise AOV during the Coronavirus Pandemic with Email Marketing

Retail Life Long Customer

How are your customers doing during the coronavirus pandemic? Are you wishing them well and keeping them updated with your company’s operations through your email marketing? During this time of crisis, the biggest priority businesses should focus on is customer retention.  Acquisition strategies don’t tackle customer relationships and low consumer confidence. Email marketing during the […]

The 6 Telltale Email Marketing Benchmarks for eCommerce Businesses in 2020

With so many competitors in the eCommerce industry all investing in email marketing, how can you measure your success? It’s normal to look into what other brands are doing and how their strategies are measuring up. And it’s already the second quarter of 2020. It would be helpful for eCommerce brands to see where they […]

Best April Fool’s Email Examples – Our Top 5 Picks for 2020

It’s time to look over your shoulder and tread lightly around the corner because April Fool’s Day is creeping closer and closer! So before the day comes and gets the better of us, here are the top 5 of the best April Fool’s email examples that will serve up some serious inspiration. Simply making an […]

[INFOGRAPHIC] April Fools Campaigns – The Do’s and Don’ts

Infographic April Fool Campaign

April Fools Email Marketing campaigns can be tricky. They have to have just the right balance between being professional and being funny. As with all holidays that eCommerce businesses ride on, there are some guidelines that marketers have to be aware of. These aren’t strict guidelines, but more of unwritten ethics when it comes to […]